Monday, June 12, 2006

"Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome"

It's 8pm -- well after dark, where I live -- and I'm typing this with my sunglasses on.

This is a story about my experience of Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome.. it's a bit long and overly detailed, partly coz it's for my mum (hi Mum!) and partly in case some other poor bugger gets RCES and stumbles across this page. I'll try and put in good headings in so you can skip the bits you don't wanna read.

What It Is

Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome means that a flap of the clear skin on my cornea was torn at some point in the past. Cornea skin can stick back down fairly quickly, but might take 6 or 8 weeks to become fully reconnected. If you're unlucky, then for some reason the flap of skin can attach to your eyelid overnight, and when your eye twitches the flap tears back off again.

The Wikipedia article has more info.

How It Started

About three years ago I woke one night with a bit of pain in my right eye. I'd been routing some MDF earlier that week and I guessed that I'd rubbed a bit of dust into my eye.

The soreness went away after an hour or two, just like it did a month or two later when it happened again, and again the month after that. I'd wake in the early hours, sit up for a hour, then go back to sleep. Sometimes it would still be bugging me the next morning, and sometimes it'd happen a few nights in a row.

I went to a few different GPs at varoius times; a couple had a look at the underside of my eyelid but couldn't see anything, and others guessed that my glasses prescription was wrong, or that I needed antibacterial drops, or whatever. It always went away, so in theory, all treatments (including doing nothing) were equally successful.

Getting Worse

Then, about six months ago, I had a full two days of continuous pain, and resolved to more seriously pursue a solution. I went onto some antibacterial drops and the problem went away again. Same thing happened next time. Then about a month ago it flared up again and I got another prescription of drops and cream.

Unlike doctors before him, this GP now made a confident diagnosis: he told me I had a stye deep under my eyelid, and that was occasionally releasing a bunch of infected gunk. I was pretty happy to get a clear diagnoisis, and the permanent cure, according to that GP, was just to not rub that eye, and the stye would go away.

Brilliant, I thought. I got back on the antibacterial drops and nightly cream, and started to religiously avoid touching my eye. It's harder than you think, especially since the nighttime antibacterial cream sticks in your eyelashes and you can't rub it out in the shower the next morning.

Hurting Hurting Hurting

Four weeks later, and no real improvement. On Wednesday my regular morning scratchiness stuck around for longer that usual, so my daughter and I were late for our Wednesday morning preschool. At work that afternoon my eye hurt continuously, and just after making it home that day, the pain got so bad my eyes just cranked themselves shut.

I managed to force them open that night to jam in some drops and cream, but didn't get any sleep. The only thing stopping me from doing a midnight run to the hospital's emergency room was the current Australian government (whose policies don't include well-funded hospitals).. I expected that I'd be kept waiting around the whole night anyway.

The next morning my wife took me to the first GP we could get an appointment at, which happened to be across the road from the hospital. With pain jamming my eyes shut I was completely blind and M--- had to lead me around. The GP basically just called the hospital's eye clinic and booked us in there, then we borrowed a wheelchair and wheeled over. A hour or so later a nurse gave me a few drops of local anaesthetic and I could open my eyes again.

Another hour later and the opthalmology registrar was looking at my eye with a Big Machine With A Bright Light (BiMWABL, I'll call it), and I was diagnosed with "recurrent erosion syndrome". The registrar taped a pad against my eye, very firmly, gave me an appointment the next day, and sent me home.

Anyway, once the local anaesthetic wore off the terrible blades of pain started whirling in my eye again, but having an actual diagnosis (from an actual expert) was surprisingly buoying. The night went very slowly -- it hurt too much to lie my head back, so I dozed through much of the night sitting in a chair at my kitchen table, slumping forward onto my pillow on the table.

Into Hospital

The next day was Friday and again some local anaesthetic mercifully took away the pain for a few hours, long enough for the opthalmology consultant and registrar to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment for recurrent erosion is some eye drops, and spending several days not moving your eye or eyelid while having a pressure pad on it, so they booked me into a hospital bed.

We waited in the eye clinic about 6 hours. Once the local wore off, opening or moving my good eye moved the bad eye to make me yell with pain, so I was effectively blind the whole time. We moved up to some couches in a ward and waited another hour or two. M--- left to pick our children up from daycare and I was eventually led to a bed and settled in.

Around midnight (I guess) I was moved from that bed to another, which was great, as the first bed was in a room with several other people including one poor guy who I think was recovering from a heart bypass, who had dementia and spent most of the night calling out stuff like "Where am I? Can somebody help me? I feel awful sick.". The new bed was in a room on its own. I kept waiting to get booted in favour of a private patient but it never happened.

Visions and No Sleep

If you're paying any attention to what is around you, it's really hard not to flick your eyes in the direction of some new sound, even when your eyes are shut, so I had to really zone out from the environment to keep my eyes from twitching around.

The pain made it impossible to sleep. If I could keep my eyes still for a while, I could doze off, but the instant I started slipping into REM sleep my eyes would move and the slashing pain would wake me again.

The combination of zoning out, no sight, and no proper sleep led to some really weird visions. I spent long minutes looking at a tree trunk, or watching a big boat pass by. I guess I knew they were hallucinations the whole time. On Saturday M--- dropped in a music player my brother had loaded up for me, and I spent a lot of that evening watching crazy new music clips playing against my eyelids.


I was on a "soft" diet, which is soft veges etc, but I found that chewing at all was moving my eye too much. Changing hospital diets seems a bit like changing the address on your bank account -- you have to ask a few times before it sticks -- but I eventually got changed to a pureed diet. Unfortunately it wasaround the time my eye started getting better, and I wasn't able to change it back before checking out. Oh well.

Getting Better

By Sunday afternoon the slashing neon knives of pain had receded to a rouch scratchiness and occasional spikes. The opthalmologist wheelchaired me down to the eye clinic for another look with his BiMWABL, and said it was looking much better, and I might be getting home the next day.

Another BiMWABL inspection Monday, and I was released.

Home Now

So I'm home now, writing this (I started on Monday, but now it's Tuesday afternoon, because I can only look at the computer screen for short stints).

My right pupil is still gigantic, and it feels a little weird but doesn't hurt at all. I still need sunglasses everywhere and in bright sunlight I can't open my eyes at all, but I expect that to pass over the next couple of days. I'm using regular lubricating eye drops and I guess I'll use them nightly for the rest of my life, but that's a tiny price to pay for avoiding any recurrence of this pain.

So that's it, up til now. Told you it was long and boring :)

Attention, ECHELON

It occured to me that the CIA should look into corneal scraping as a torture. You need a BiMWABL to see it, so the pesky inspectors from the Red Cross or whoever will never know. Just a thought; my ECHELON readers might like to pass it on to their Egyptian friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get Well Soon.......


P.S. - "Stop or you will go blind..."

15 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I have had this problem for approx 26 years!!...

Sounds hard to believe, but when I first realised there was a problem it was way back in 1980 and I don't think any one knew too much about it... It appeared to be more of a dry eye problem…, and it only ever happened at night…

I would wake at 04:00am, and my eyes would just pour…, the pain was unbelievable.. At first the problem was with just one eye…, and then in approx 1994 it moved to the other as well…

I was eventually referred to Moorfields Eye Hospital, London in 1990 where I met a Doctor who told me I had a rare condition. The fluid between my eye and the cornea did not adhere the cornea to the eye correctly…, so the constant pulling of the cornea with the eyelid just meant that the cornea never stuck back correctly to the eye…, thus meaning the recurrence of the problem was highly likely…

The advice back then was to keep my eyelids clean and use anti-biotic creams etc…, none of which ever really worked, the same went for artificial tears etc..

The reason my problem has gone on so long is that I did not understand the length of time the injury needs to repair itself… The recommended time is approx 16 weeks, and in 26 years I had never had a break for longer than a couple of weeks… The degree of the problem was different too, sometimes it would be mild and sometimes really bad…

I also didn’t know that there have been a number of advances in the treatment of this problem since 1990…. I just got used to this happening and dealt with it…. I think I have also been given bad advice over the years as I went to see a specialist 3 years ago and he just reiterated the idea of keeping the eyelids clean etc…, not a word about new treatments etc… I actually suggested Punctal Plugs, so as to allow more tears to stay in my eyes in an effort to get me through the night, but he said that would not be of any use…

There now seems to be three ways to tackle the problem…

1. Laser surgery (PTK)
2. Contact lens – Silicone Hydrogel type, which you wear all the time for 16 weeks, so the eyelid cannot stick to the damaged area…
3. Anterior Stromal Puncture – Where they puncture areas of the eye with a needle to promote the bonding of the cornea and the eye…

It’s been a nightmare…, and it’s hard to convey how much of a mess this has made of my sleeping patterns and in deed, my life….

I’m seeing my Doctor again in the next few weeks and I hope he suggests the Contact lens option…., this could be the beginning of a new beginning….

30 October, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally got diagnosed and, what a relief it is to finally know what's going on!!!
I lucked out by calling an eye surgeon and, without hesitation, he told me what it was. I did scratch my cornea about 16 years ago and found injury is a contributing factor to RCE.
I was very skeptical of anyone ever being able to diagnose me, as I have told several optometrists and doctors and they all told me something intelligent like, “Maybe you got something in your eye.” I have searched the web repeatedly, typing in all my symptoms, but never found RCE until the doctor gave me the disease name.
As far as the pain being unbearable - - I confirm. I've giving birth & suffer from migraines but an erosion episode is like nothing else I've experienced.
I am gooping up each night with ointments & lubing often with artificial tears.
I put on quite a screaming show for my husband last Saturday morning; hopefully it will never happen again.
I hope to the same for you. Cheers from Colorado, USA.

19 December, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone. All of our stories sound exactly the same. I have had RCE for about 3 years. For the past 2 years I have worn a bandage contact lens at night and have not had an episode since then. My doctor put the contact in after a very bad episode and I asked him if I could wear it just at night. That is what I have been doing and it works. Until they come up with a permanent solution I will continue to wear the contact at night. I hope this helps even one person, there is not reason to suffer so much when the contact works very well. Take care. Linda

18 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had RCE for the past 3 years. After a very bad episode my doctor put a contact lens in until my eye healed. Since this occurs during REM sleep I asked the doctor if I could continue to wear the contact, just at night. He said to try it and I have not had an episode the past 2 years. Until they come up with a permanent solution I will continue to wear it at night. There is no reason to suffer when such a simple solution is right at hand. Take care. Linda

18 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my goodness have been suffering in agony for years with this. Having a baby was a walk in the park compared to the pain ive been in.The pain takes you to such a lonley place and noone seems to understand the acute agony it causes. Havnt had it for ages and my eyes have learned to open slowly when i wake. Caroline

15 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Adam and I have RCE for almost 5 years now. The doctors tried everything here, from drops to operation, and I must say,it really ruins your life. I have a rare version of this problem, since i have it in both eyes and they are exactley on the same spot.It surfaced without any trauma, slowly developing in 5-6 weeks. This is an inherrited version of RCE, a genetic one, at this point there are no cure for it. At least where I live, which is Hungary, Europe.
So for me the contact lenses, that you wear at night might be the option, but none of the doctors here offered me this, so far.
Can you buy those in the pharmacy in the US? If you can, next time i visit my friend, i would just go and buy a few. If anyone knows this or has any solution that worked for him, please share!

Adam Szeleczky
Budapest, hungary

15 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i know this sounds strange but i found soaking a flannel in warm water and then sleeping with it pressed on your eye helped a lot caroline

21 March, 2007  
Blogger M said...

Oh my god, I can't believe how many people have already responded that they have been living with this condition for so long.

I'm 21, and I started having recurrent corneal erosions about 1 year ago, and it was really awful. Painful, recurring, frustrating, hard to heal... I'm sure you know how it's like. But last summer I had PTK on the right eye, and that definitely corrected the problem. I don't get it anymore. About a month ago I had PTK on the left eye to treat that too, and its healed. I've been corneal abrasion free for a while now, and I would definitely, definitely recommend it. The surgery for each eye is $2000 but many insurance policies will cover it (the nature of the condition is that its often caused by an injury, so that can be your argument). Find a corneal specialist or laser treatment center and definitely go for a consultation. The actual laser treatment takes only about 15 minutes and the discomfort is gone in 2 days, and heals relatively quickly after that. Seriously, don't live with something like this any longer than you have to.

RCE is actually quite common, its scary!

03 April, 2007  
Blogger M said...

actually, see this for more info

03 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is 4.30am here in England and I woke up at 3.30am with the pain. My eye is still watering and now rather swollen. I have had this condition for about 3 months now. It's so frustrating. Take Care Samantha.

24 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh crap, i just stumbled onto this site while trying to look up something to help with the condition... i have had it for about 4 months and thought that was a long time and i would be getting better any day now, seems not likely eh. I can sympathize with you folks.

27 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who has posted. I have had this condition for many months now, with really severe, insane pain the last two months.

The most recent consult with the opthamologist was a damper, since he advised again there is really nothing that can be done, just wait it out and keep putting this really thick gunk on my eyes before bed to keep them from adhering to the lid. It's helped a few times, but I am still awoken almost nightly by the indescribable pain, as soon as I hit REM sleep. Then of course, my first reaction is to open them, and well, that's equivalent to someone shaving your eyes every night. Just try to sleep after that.

He said "this condition usually resolves itself." How long? "Well, it's different for everyone." (The doctor also mentioned that even though he has only seen a handful of cases like this over his entire career, he has had to hospitalize patients with this because the pain was unmanageable.) And as happy as I was to actually have a diagnosis, I had no idea I could suffer from this for years, as some of the previous posts have chronicled.

Thank you, thank you, for the suggestions mentioned. I am going to start seeking second opinions and find a physician that will consider some of the options mentioned. If a contact lens worn at night will do the trick, sign me up!

I'm a tough girl and can deal with just about anything, but much more of this and I'll be asking for hot poker...

10 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this blog. It has been so hard to find out any information about this, and obviously, this condition is a little more "Common" than the ophthamologists lead you to believe. i did happen to just stumble upon this site, trying to research treatment options, and have learned more from all of you than Web MD can tell me. I have been in such pain and agony, and while I truly sympathize with all of you, it is a bit comforting to know I am not alone. I just had the Bowman's procedure done (needle in the eye, YEA!!!!) but I still am having problems. I do alright for a few days, then BAM! I like the analogy of someone shaving your eye balls, so very true! I had absolutely no idea about the contact lens, so I will definitely be asking about that. I too have learned to NOT OPEN YOUR EYE FAST in the morning, but in my case, it just doesn't matter. And the goop, I put that in my eye everycnight, and wake up with goopy crud all over the place. Weeee,what fun this is! I do the moisturizing eye drops too. If you can stand it, I have found that the humidity created by wearing an eye patch does help. But, this is not always convenient, (I'm a transcriptionist and have to have both of my eyes to see, thank you very much!)

Thank you for listening to me, and thanks again for this blog.

Take care, all! MaryAnne

01 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After suffering for years and after trying everything was forced down the homeopathic route which i have to say seemed like such a shot in the dark, and one i had no belief in. The lady i visited in covent garden told me that there was something in my life i was choosing not to see and that was causing the condition. you can imagined what i thought of that. She gave me some drops to put under my tongue and fifty pounds later went home feeling cheated. Almost immediately the symtoms went and i later did discover something was indeed happening that i just wouldnt see.... wierd eh what you think guys.

01 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for you all. My husband has had RCE (and Corneal Epithelial Basement Membrane Dystrophy) since an incident in Nov 06 and it is just horrible. We are willing to go anywhere in the world to fix it, but there just isn't the information (or cure) out there?! We are in Perth, Australia and apparently have the best Ophthalmologist on the job? We are going in for a 2nd lasik surgery next week because the last one (only 3 months ago) has not worked. The stromal puncture prior also did not work. I really want the contact lenses, but we've asked already and they're not interested. I will have to make them listen next week, or they can tell me WHY he can't have them to wear at night! I have found the worst part is that no-one gets it. No-one seems to understand the magnitute of the problem (being the instant horrendous pain and the chance it will be there forever). Only those in that bedroom when it happens and you can't even find your way to your own medication to relieve your own pain know how bad it really is!!!! It's really horrible to not know if it will ever stop happening to him. (We are luckier than those of you that have to not only go through this, but also somehow pay for your treatment, as ours is Worker's Comp. It's a little relief to an otherwise gigantic burden.) Love and painfree times to you all, Lil!

12 July, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really do feel that more should be done to help us,its worse than any other pain i know and often feels like someone is stabbing me in the eye with a very sharp knife.Pain killers dont work so the pain must be really bad. What can we do?

14 July, 2007  
Blogger Shirley said...

Hi there ... I'm an RCE sufferer for 13 years ... been through it all like everyone else who has posted.

My thoughts on treatments ... have any of you had saline treatment following patching? Muro 123 drops and ointment? It does seem to help "stick" the cells down on the cornea. As well, my opthalmologist scrapes (yes its gross) the bad cells off and new ones grow that "stick" better.

As for the bandage contacts at night. I tried that for a while BUT it can be worse as the contacts can trap bacteria leading to an infection which would be WORSE because you could lose your sight.

Today its acting up but it's been calm for almost 3 yrs. I do the nightly goop and then again when I get up in the night and it has helped immensely. Theres not a lot else they can do ... eventually a cornea transplant can help but only when the eyesight is really compromised.

I'm sure pretty much everyone has an underlying cornea dystrophy which is why this happens. It does resolve itself fairly quickly luckily when it happens.

Anyway ... that's my 2 cents. BTW I've found that the pain is okay once I knew what it was. When my cornea gets scarped its NOT okay but by and large I can "put up" with it esp with large sunglasses! I HATE it when it's a sunny day and this is flaringup!


16 July, 2007  
Blogger carol said...

I am so glad for this blog. As they say, misery loves company. Nothing is quite so isolating as eye pain. It's not like childbirth,broken bones,etc. where everyone commiserates. I feel no one really understands--until now. Anyway, I have been told I have limbic stem cell deficiency. I have been to many experts. They want to transplant healthy cells from good eye over spot that keeps eroding in bad eye. But, since surgery started this problem, I am quite reluctant to follow through.
So, I am going to try more of a preventative approach: eye rest daily, compresses, stay well hydrated. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

04 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I didnt know there was so many of us RCE suffers. I've had the condition for about 13 years now in both eyes. It took several years before I was correctly diagnosed with RCE. I now use eye drops during the day and Lacrilube (expensive eye goop $20AUD for 2 tiny tubes) in large volumes at night. Even with this, I still endure a bad episode every couple of months in one or the other or on the rare occasion, both eyes. As all of you know, the pain is horrible for about an hour during the event and then the pain subsides as the eye quickly begins to recover. I usually try and sleep as much as I can to rest the eyes after a bad episode.

I find that my eyes become so swollen by the event that I have no point of focus for as much as 3 days in the effected eye. Do you guys get that??? I imagine you do.

What is the deal with PTK? Can someone please post a link to explain the procedure? I be very thankful. Also, how painful is the procedure? I'm wondering if this is the procedure my optimoligist was talking about last time I saw her. She said that there was a prcedure where the lining of the eye was removed and had to be left to grow back. She said it was a horribly painful procedure so now I'm worried about getting it done :(

Great to have found this page. Thank you to its author and to all of you who have contributed.

Gary T
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

22 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was just diagnosed with corneal erosion. It came out of nowhere. I am being treated with anitbiotic drops as well as steriod drops. I have been in pain for a week now but it seems to be getting a little better.

26 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband developed RCE this summer. We kept thinking he had a dry eye..odd since we live in a very humid climate. He's thinking he's having the problem as a result of having diabetes..Is there anyone else out there who has an idea about this? Right now we are just in the beginning of realizing it may not go away for awhile and wondering how to manage this to help keep the discomfort to a minimum. Thanks for starting this site. We had never heard of this until now and I did not know that it was so...common?..

04 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I have had RCE for about 4 years. Only slightly irritated left eye at first, until the dye used by the opticians and the opthalmologist to detect RCE caused me to have an excruciating episode that lasted for 3 days. He explained the disease and told me to use Lacrilube. I have read up on RCE and now drink lots of water, eat almonds, keep water in the house in bowls to create a humid climate and use lacrilube religiously. I have not had an attack since following this regime and pray I never will as the pain is unbelievable and as a single parent have no one to help when it hits. I believe the dye used by the opticians to see the condition in my case brings on an episode. I can't believe how many have this condition and no studies are being done to recrify it.

07 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it is strangely helpful to realise so many people are suffering with this awful condition. It is certainly making my life a misery and I cant see any end to the symptoms, I have a referral for hospital consultation so will have to wait and see how that goes. Laser treatment sounds scary but anything that is going to mean I can get peace will be good. I am finding so much of my life is affected by this as often symptoms dont disappear for days at a time - and the nights of excrutiating pain mean that bedtime is not a pleasant time as I just know the pain will come during the night. I too use lacrilube - am never sure quite how much I should use - and often seems quite wasteful as it comes out as quickly as it goes in. I use viscotears through the day - usually 6 or 7 times. I am keen to try the almonds and keeping humidity up. I find swimming and showering help - again for the humidity reason I guess! Alcohol is a real problem and have pretty much excluded it now - not that I was a big drinker but it seems to make things worse.Thanks for all comments, I will keep looking at this site - and will update any further progress I make!

10 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Folks
Yep i am a member of your gang! i have suffered from this condition for 15 years! it is hell.
I had gone without an attack for 6 months then last week 1.30am BANG i shot up out of bed waking my husband, i was about 15 mins before i could unclench my eye and it was a bad one. i do fear going to sleep at night when this happens but now i am back on "lacrilube" and in a couple of weeks i will forget to put it in and a will be on borrowed time to my next attack then i will be really mad with myself for not continuing with the lacrilube... anyone relate to this??
I get the condition in both eyes but touch wood never both at the same time,hell if that happened i should want to be put down!!!!
My sisters both suffer from this by the way.
look after yourselfs fellow sufferers.

10 September, 2007  
Blogger kjrv said...

Hi all,

I injured my eye back in April with a cereal box, (yes I know!) and took a chunk out of my cornea. Well I have never ever felt pain like that before, I have had 2 babies, and would rather give birth than have my cornea stuck to my eyelid.

It healed quite quickly after the initial injury, but since then I have been suffering recurrent episodes, sometimes it can be weeks in between, sometimes days. I have been to the hopsital and have been told I will need the drops for life. I am considering further treatment now, I have been offered a contact lens so I make take up that offer, but apparently that has complications connected to it too, (risk of infection etc).

Anyway I'm so glad I found this website, it is such a lonely condition, you feel like the only one in the world when you wake up at 3am with a pain like your eye has been attacked with a needle.


16 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, This is for Gary in Australia. I have been dealing with severe corneal erosions in both eyes for over a year now. I have tried the eye patch, frequent debridements of the epithelial layer(very painful), and eye drops and ointments. The specialists I was going to recommended the PTK surgery. This involves scraping the loose cells off the eye and then doing the laser surgery. He then placed a bandage contact on my eye. The first 2-3 days are painful, but I was given numbing drops to use for 24 hrs and then Vicodin or Percocet as needed. I had my right eye done in June and my left eye done in August. So far I have been doing good. It is definitely better than the daily painful erosions I was having before. I don't know what the longterm outcome will be, but I don't regret having the surgery. Karen, USA

22 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, my State side friend.
Thank you so much for letting me know. I'd love to hear how you go after a while. If the PTK does the job, I'm in boots and all. 13 years of this is more than enough punishment. I'm ready to move on :)

I can be reached at gkt1965 at hotmail dot com should anyone need to contact me.


Again, thank goodness for this web site.

04 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this site! I go back to the doctor tmw and feel a little more confident with all of your info and experience. I have been suffering from RCE for 15 yrs but was "channeled" down the Cluster Migraine diagnosis (for which NO treatment helped...gee, wonder why?!?). I just got the RCE diagnosis about 3 weeks ago. I have it in both eyes and suffer EVERY night! I have a number of triggers and I am hoping some of you may respond with some supportive therapies to help out. Sunshine and winter snow glare are AWFUL! Do you wear any special glasses? Warm temps and dryness in the bedroom at night-HUGE-to the point that we run the AC at 65-degrees and my husband has to sleep on the couch because it is so cold! Hair, baby, anything touching the eye. Type 1 diabetes my doc has said had no relationship. Anyone elses opinion?? My husband just read all of the postings and he said out of all of them the only 2 not still suffering to such extremems that we do are the 2 who had the surgery ( and the one who wears the contacts but my doctor wont do that). Why such hesitance on the behalf of doctors to do it? Especially since I am feeling SO defeated by this and it is debilitating my life! Any thoughts?? Again thank you for this site and it is so comforting to know others are out there. hang in there and I pray it is a free night of pain for all!! Kris

09 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had RCE for about 2 years now. I have had SK (scraping), followed by PTK, followed by SK, followed by another SK, followed by ASP (anterior stromal puncture). All these procedures within 18 months on my left eye. My right eye is starting to have episodes now and is pending an ASP with my Cornea Specialist. I had trouble again with my left eye the last couple of nights too. I have an identical twin who also has RCE...pretty much confirms the Genetic probability for us. She has had two SK's and an ASP in both eyes. THis is the most awful pain I have ever experienced.

09 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had RCE for about 3 years now - a bit of twig went in my eye when strimming the garden. That will teach me to use goggles.
I really suffered in the beginning but am learning to deal with it now. Lacrilube at night along with Tesco's own saline eye wash. When I wake in the morning plenty of the saline before I open my eyes slowly. Whats the best solution for a long term cure - is there one?

10 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noons seems to have picked up on the homeopathic route,i havnt had it since and was getting pain every night for many years. i have been pain free since visiting a homeopath in neals yard covent garden in london. sounds too simple eh but whatever drops she gave me to pop under my tongue cured me and i have been pain free ever since Caroline

11 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - I am so amazed that this problem is so prevalent! I have a very different history but still the same problem. I had PTK on both eyes over a year ago to correct a slight vision problem. Within 4 months I started having extreme pain in my left eye. I was told it was dry eye and directed to use drops and Muro ointment at night. It helped - some - the frequency was less. But then after 7 months I was having them more and worse. Just waking in the middle of the night, stressing that it was "going to happen again" - I actually felt like I was having anxiety attacks - but that was nothing compared to the extreme pain I felt when an episode occurred. Well, in February I had an episode that lasted throughout the morning and went to a cornea specialist. He said that I was his strangest case because what was the cure to most people who have this was what caused the problem in mine. He recommended another PTK on my left eye, which I did. I had a contact bandage and the very night after it was taken off - it happened again! It has since continued to happen in both eyes - normally only one eye or the other but when it has happened to both - the pain is so extreme - it just makes me so angry! The cornea specialist has recommended either another PTK, the needles in the eye trick (No Way!), or plugs (but I can't see how that would help when he has said it is not dry eye!). I want to find an eye doctor that actually knows what to do! I have tried a humidifier in my bedroom, warm, moist clothes on at night, and even a gel mask that went directly on my eyelids which worked for a while but now it is happening even when I wear the gel mask all night. I think I am going to ask for contacts at night and see if that helps - it definitely can not hurt as much as what I have been going through! I don't want to have any more surgery because I am afraid it is going to do something to my eyesight permanently. I'm so sorry for those of you who have suffered with this for years - I pray that some doctor somewhere will find a cure for this! Thanks for creating this site - no one understands like those that have gone through it! God bless!

16 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear All !

I am Adam, I had a post here, few months ago. I have some new info, you might find helpful.

I have RCE for 5 years now. Started on the left eye, no trauma, then appeared on the right as well.

So, the new things/info from my doctor (who really puts effort to find the cure for me) are:

-Scraping has a success ratio of 5%. I already had it once, of course, nothing happened. If you can, skip it.
- PTK has 75%, but still it is more effective, if you're injury was caused by trauma. If you developed it genetically, it can be harder to find a cure (if there's one to be found at all...)

-my doctor advised me to try the homeopathic approach, so I will do that next week, with a specialist I will keep you guys informed about the result.

- contact lenses are only good if the damage on the cornea is relatively small. But...if you keep that in for a long time and you develop an infection under it, you may have a serious problem. That's why some doctors hesitate to tell you this option.

-An air conditioned room/house is a very-very bad environment for RCE, it will most definitely develop at night if you use it.
I had the worst period of my life when I had the AC on, it almost came out every 10th hour. Try to avoid that.

- Humid places are good, but again only for small problems, it will not help for anyone, who has it in both eyes and developed it genetically.

Finally…I am planning to set up a site for us sufferers, since to share our pain with each other is one way to ease it as well.
I have been suffering with this condition and definitely understand the magnitude it has on our everyday lives. If you need some comfort or just need to write it out or have no one to write to, about the pain you can always drop me a mail.
We have to believe, that for some of us the PTK will help, for others some homeopathic treatment might be the option.
Or someday, someone will come up with the cure.

Sadly for me, it seem that most of the doctors are just not familiar with this condition and on top of that, they are not really understanding nor empathic when it comes down to the pain it causes each night.

I am scared when going to sleep, but knowing that some of you can manage to at least live with this, and can share experiences with me is a huge, huge help.

Thanks for everyone,

Adam Szeleczky

27 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks ADAM and bear in mind everyone that the only posative outcome where the pain has completly stopped is with the homopathic route. Try it xx

29 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone who has tried the homeopathic route please tell me what exactly they have given you that has worked? Thanks!

06 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats the problem cause i just had a two hour consultation where we discussed foods that i ate and life style and stress levels and just about everything you can imagine relating to me and the homeopath gave me these tiny white pills to dissolve under my tongue, the pain stopped that night and that was ten years ago. sorry to be so vague but the homeopath was in London Covent Garden in a health shop called Neals Yard

06 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info posted here- I've had RCE for about 6 months - I was out cycling without glasses and a fly damaged my cornea.
I'm going to push for the laser treatment - but while I wait - has anyone found glasses or goggles that protect the eye completely from wind / air flow - whilst not looking too out of place - I need to get back on my bike!

07 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am suprised to see that so many others are having this problem. I felt as though I was the only one, at least in my town. No one has ever even heard of RCE. I have been experiencing it for 2 1/2 years, which seems like an eternity and then I read where people have had it for 15 years!?!?! Kill me now!. I wear bandage contacts every night along with Liqui-gel. I have tried Muro 128 drops and ointment, Minocin, anterior stromal puncture (4 times), lacrilube, humidifier, and debridement. The only option we have not tried is the PTK and that is because I had PRK for vision correction and it started immediately after the PRK. I am at my wits end with this. It is a life altering condition and it has been very expensive buying all the drops, medciations, contacts, and copays. I have seen two corneal specialists and they haven't had any better suggestions than my ophthalmologist. I know they are all doing everything they know to do, but it is still very frustrating. My doctor says she will call me if anything groudbreaking comes along. If an of you find anything that works, please post it.
Betsy, South Carolina

10 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It feels great to be able to share the experience with other. I had corrective laser treatment on both eyes in Sept 1997. In Sept 1998 I experienced my first corneal erosion. I woke up one morning and just couldn't open my eyes. The top layer had become totally unstuck. It was like an open wound and if I tried to open my eyes it would be like turning on a tap of water. I've only been that bad again once where the top layer had become totally unstuck. When my husband took me to the eye specialist and after applying the anesthetic my husband could actually see the top layer just hanging. When I had laser treatment to correct my eye sight they used PTK so there was no point in redoing the PTK to help me with RCE. I've had Anterior Stromal Puncture twice. At least the top layer stays in tact and doesn't fall off. Ten years on and I continue to suffer with RCE anywhere between twice to four times a year. I can handle the six months break but once I had it three times in five months and that was just too much to bear. I had an episode last week and another about a month ago. I think it happens when I stressed. The last month I've been dealing with my terminally ill father. I'm not sure if last week's episode was the usual RCE or conjunctivitis. I had some discharge from my eyes. I just cleaned my eyes with salt water. I'm hoping for a long break between episodes. A month ago it took about 6 days for the redness and swelling to go down. Last week it was shorter but the first day I just couldn't open my eyes. I use a computer for work and my eyes get pretty tired and vision is quite blurry. I put ointment in my eyes every night. I've only read about 5-6 comments but I've added site to my favourites. I'm looking forwarding to reading other peoples experience and what they do to help with the pain.

Good luck to all

28 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Gabriella - Sydney Australia
to Betsy, South Carolina and anybody that has had laser corrective eye surgery in particular PTK.

I read your comment after I posted my comment. I noticed you started to have the problem after you had the corrective laser surgery. It was after I had corrective laser treatment that I started to have episodes of RCE. I'd love to know how many more suffers may have contracted the problem from corrective laser treatment. Maybe we should warn people. I'd love to receive any emails from people. Maybe we should put a warning out to others considering corrective laser treatment although I think the drs making the money wouldn't be impressed. In hindsight, if I knew that I had to put ointment in my eyes every night for the rest of my life and also put up with so much pain when RCE occurs, I would gladly have continued to wear contacts and glasses.

28 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. I posted a comment here back in 2006. I still have not had an episode of RCE. I tried every cream on the market, choose not to have surgery, then tried to wear a contact at night. My doctor wasn't sure whether that would work but it does. I am very careful with cleaning my hands before putting the contact in and when taking it out. I have worn a contact at night for 3 years now and haven't had any problems. I found a doctor willing to order me the bandage lens, meaning there is no power in the lens. Yes there is a chance of infection but only if you are careless with keeping everything very clean. This is a small price to pay for avoiding that horrible pain. Until the doctors come up with a solution for this problem I will continue to wear the contact at night, it gave me back my life.
Blessings to all. Linda

02 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been diagnosed with this problem too. I had a scratch on my eye by a tennis ball when i was younger. Boy it can be painful to say the least. QUESTION I HAVE FOR EVERYBODY???
Do you use a computer regularly?
Are you addicted to gaming on the internet? Because i have not been using my laptop as much over the passed two months and my eye problems aren't as bad. Can you let me know....?? email
all the best.
mike in vancouver, bc

06 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont use computer much so no link there but have noticed a massive sensitivity to lights when driving at night and it feels like people are driving on full beam when actually they are not

06 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I've decided to try a homeopath after contacting the Neal's Yard Remedies shop in Convent Garden in London to no avail that they would not just send something to me without a personal consultation. Like I am going to jump on a plane from Arizona, USA and fly to London for a consultation!! Anyway, for those of you that have had the privilege of getting diagnosed through the homeopath in London - the little pills or drops that you put under your tongue - did you only do this a few times? or is this something that you are doing for the rest of your life? I want an idea of what to tell this homeopath that I am looking for. My episodes have subsided to mild at most but they have been occurring more often, say 3-4 times a week! I am now back to waking in the morning hours with panic attacks - afraid to even move or attempt to open my eyes! I hate this - someone please find a cure!!

07 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad to have found this site.. I was just diagnosed this week after a horrid episode that left me blind for two days. I won't go through that again. Fortunately, my doc reluctantly gave me the contact after some begging. I"m going to try it tonight. Here's hoping I don't wake up every hour like I have been for the last several weeks. I would LOVE to go the homeopathic route... if anyone finds out what to use, PLEASE POST!!!

12 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just been diagnosed with RCE after suffering for several months. I must admit my pain is not as severe as some have posted. I do have the problem with both eyes and they tend to heal very quickly after starting the antibiotic ointment the dr prescribed. I have been using Refresh PM with little results and was able to find Muro 128 that my doctor prefers. Hopefully it will be my answer as I would like to avoid any type of surgical procedure. I will continue to check this site looking for advise. Will also start with daily eye drops along with the night time ointment. Anyone have luck with attempting to get eye drops in your eyes before opening them...letting it seep in from the inner corner? I read it on a website and wondered if it would help. It said to add drops to the inside corner of your eyes BEFORE you open them in the morning. Anything is worth a try.

18 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest going to a reputable homeopath and explaining your symptoms and seeing what they come up with. Must be worth a shot

09 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do homeopaths come in reputable?

Does anyone else feel, like a little, suspicious about the suggestion to see a homeopath. Not to mention that the person's post first mentions drops under her tongue then white pills.

Medicine can't cure everything its a very imperfect science but that doesn't mean that the cure must then be non-medical in origin or even that a cure is out there to be found. It sickens me to think that someone might trawl the internet looking for desperate people with incurable and very painful conditions to drum up business.

Please forgive me for calling you all desperate but thats what happens when you are faced with a problem like RCE.

Hope you are all travelling well learning from each other's genuine experiences with RCE and the various treatments you have tried.

On another note the author used patching for several days has anyone else done this?

09 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am very shocked to read the last message as the insinuation that the suggestion of a homeopath was to drum up buisness. I am a genuine sufferer of this awful condition and was just sharing my experience to try to help at least one person with this painfull condition.Am very sorry that the person that sent the last message thought that my messages were a hoax am just hoping that not every one is as untrusting and negative Happy new year

09 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

read these pages and just want to cry. had a seizure last august and did the stick my finger in my eye trick for good measure, was great to get a few days off work...then the recurrent bit came along in december, followed 3 weeks later by another episode and only getting my full sight back yesterday... i want to cry cos my doc told me that it should heal properly within a year and all will be dandy...that doesn't sound like the case tho... big hugs and all to everyone who suffers from this, cos its pants. not got anything positive to say, but a hug can be good, and i'm new to it, so forgive me!!xxxxx

15 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ! It's Adam again.

I tried the homeopath, but so far nothing really happened. I will give it another shot, but sadly no improvement so far for me.
I think this condition is terrible, and I just want to think, that people here are willing to help, not to drum up.

Of course, there is always a chance, that this is true.

I tried pathing, drops, surgery,you name it. I start to think, that it is time for me to find a good shrink. It is just more and more difficult to live with this. I just had a baby boy, and of course scared like hell, that the baby will get this later in life. So...I am fed up a bit now...

18 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings everyone, brilliant to find this place.
Just got back from hospital last night after being diagnosed with RCE. I was just wondering, as I've had this pain for 3 years and am under the care of a neurologist, if anyone could describe whereabouts the pain actually is? It's more excruciating than a migraine as it's centred solely on the eye, but in my case it seems to be directly behind the left eye. Does this sound about right?
I had no knowlege of this syndrome until 12 hours ago and am now thinking that if the pain is indeed from RECE, I don't need my neurologist anymore as it would explain the "headaches". I did tell him when first referred that the pains were always behind my left eye. When they appear upon waking, they render me useless, couldn't stand up yesterday til 4 o'clock the pain was so bad.
If anyone has a sec to spare could they be kind enough to let me know the area of the eye that the pain originates from?
All these posts are very comforting and I'm sorry you've all had such terrible pain.
Best wishes,
ps I should add, the recurrence of pain has vastly improved after starting to wear daily disposable contacts approx 8 months ago, but as I can't wear them at night, I expect that's why I wake up with the terrible pain sometimes. Night-time contact use info very interesting , thankyou, will ask doctor about it.

23 January, 2008  
Blogger Deuce said...

Fiona, as I understand it, pain from corneal damage isn't properly "locateable", meaning that the pain can seem to come from various places in your eye, even though it's caused by damage over your iris.

So it seems likely that your feeling of pain behind your eye is from your RCES. Sack your neurologist and get an opthalmologist :)

Good luck all

24 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I first left a note on this site back in Sept 2007. In October I had laser treatment to correct RCE in right eye. It's costly as not available on NHS but I was desperate. I had a bandage contact lens left in for few days after surgery to allow healing without risk of sticking again.was given steroid drops, antibiotic drops and drops for dry eyes. Had check up and lens removed after 4 days - all was looking great. Then after a few days the pain at night returned - cornea had stuck to lid once more - consultant wondered whether lens could have been left in longer - but he removed as it was uncomfortable - but I wish I'd kept it in a few days more. Since the laser treatment I have had 4 episodes - I have Celluvisc drops for daytime and Lacrilube every night - I have difficulty still to open my eyes on waking and do so as slowly as I can.I may have to consider having the treatment repeated if eye deteriorates but at the moment life is so much better than before the laser surgery.My consultant has told me it is a genetic condition - where the layers of the cornea flake because the little 'plugs' that give adhesion are missing.You could go through life without knowing about this - except if you have some trauma to the eyes.I am also on a course of 3 months antibiotics which are advocated to improve the general health of my eyes and so aid recovery longer term.I too think the problem is worsened when I feel stressed or anxious. I also have a pre-disposition to diabetes, having had gestational diabetes with all my 3 pregnancies.I have been advised that if laser surgery was repeated they would 'go a bit deeper' into corneal layers to encourage better fusing of the layers - have to be careful though due to effects on eyesight.I am happy to soldier on - nightly generous dose of Lacrilube seems a small price to pay - even for the rest of my life ( I am 53 by the way)Lacrilube is nighttime solution as drops can't stay the distance. I even think it worth setting alarm and reapplying at night if occurence is really bad. I hope this is of some help to others, good luck to you all, Margy

25 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again all. I've had a good run for the last 6 months. I've only had 3 minor episodes. I've been trying to keep my fluids up during the day, use eye drops during the day when I notice my eyes are getting gritty and using Lacrilube every night (just as I had for the last 10 years of this).

The day time treatments seem to be helping. Keep your clear fluids up!
Good luck all.

Gary, Brisbane Aust.

28 January, 2008  
Blogger PJningal said...

Just wanted to say hi - I had this starting in 2004. Experienced the agony that everyone speaks of, and was willing to give up the eye if the pain would only stop. 3 years later it has quite settled down, but I'm always on guard. Self-help measures that I learned from a board online (healthboards - I don't know if its still up) include learning to wake with my eyes closed, and *still*, and keeping a bottle of lubricating drops close by, so that when I wake, if my eyes feel stuck closed, I reach for the bottle, and insert the tip of the bottle into the corner of my eye and the drops help loosen the eyelid from the eyeball. I always put Muro 128 before bed, and sleep with an eyemask to help my eyes stay closed. There is some research that shows Doxycycline to be helpful in this condition and I take it. I have not had an erosion in about a year. I also take Flax Seed oil (3 capsules). My empathy to everyone dealing with this as I know how absolutely agonizing it is. Never experienced anything more painful.

02 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My eye was damaged in February 07 after walking into a golden cane palm! The palm frond poked a whole in my cornea. I was sent home from the eye hospital with the line "it will get better by itself in a little while". A month or so later i returned to the same specialist hospital after many nights of excruciating pain and was told that i probably just had conjunctivitis. They clearly had no idea. No mention was made of Recurrent corneal erosion, so thank you so much for this enlightening sight. Last December i got a referral from the GP for an opthalmic surgeon who put me on dioxycycline for a fortnight. I had never heard of this before for RCES, but, as you know, you'll try anything in desperation. Well....i have not had an episode since just before Christmas and that is a record for me, usually having them every week or two prior to the dioxycycline. It may be lucky timing, but it seems like it may have worked, although i am still meticulous with applying the drops every night before bed. I am cautiously hopeful though that it may just have worked. Will post another note in a little while with an update. For anyone considering this path though, whatever you do, make sure you drink plenty of water if you take this antibiotic, and don't take it just before bed. I made this mistake and the antibiotic lodged in my oesophagus and caused horrid lesions as it ate my oesophagus wall away; the pain was (almost) as bad as the RCE, just different, and i wasn't able to eat for 10 days and even a mouthful of water going down was unbearable. Still, if it has worked on the eye, i consider it was worth the agony! Good luck to all. Jeanette, Brisbane, Australia

06 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve never posted a comment on a blog before! But, you are all so lovely; I thought I would join the group. I was diagnosed with RCE today, my first episode since a snowball scratched my cornea over 15years ago! (Mind you, I was an innocent in the snowball fight, just watching the carnage. That's what I get for enjoying the spectacle)!

I think my case is mild, just feels like I have something in my eye, like pebbles or a huge piece of debris! I'm grateful for all the information! Hopefully your tips will help prevent my case from getting worse! I’m on the ointment and rewetting drops for a month! Hope this will be the end of it…as someone else said, not likely right?

Many thanks to all! Look forward to any new ideas. I’m particularly interested in the homeopathic route. Wow!!! Is there something I’m not seeing (for the woman, who is pain free and saw a homeopath, who suggest she was “blind” to something in her life).

09 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, first-time visitor, long-time sufferer...

While I haven't been diagnosed, I've had the described symptoms for 10-15 years.

It occurs every 2-3 months, always at night or in the morning when I wake up and open my eyes. There's a sensation like sand being between my eye and the eyelid, or like someone ran a razor across my cornea.

The sensation, while probably not as bad as some make it out to be, is still excruciating and leaves me pouring tears and unable to open my eyes for 15-30 minutes. Rolling the eyes or looking in a particular direction and blinking, or with the eye closed intensifies the pain, feeling very much like a single, large grain of sand or filament dragging across a specific part of the eye's surface

Looking in a mirror, there's no visible damage to the eye. After about 30-60 minutes, I'm able to go to sleep again if it's the middle of the night. When I wake up in the morning, if it's several hours or more, the pain is mostly gone. If it occurred when I wake up in the morning, the pain can persist for much of the day, although I can function again after 30-60 minutes. The longest stretch of residual ache has been three days of gradual fading. During that episode, I had double vision in that eye for two days, but normally there is no change in vision.

I've seen a doctor about the specific issue once and it was dismissed as nothing. I've mentioned it to my current optometrist, but RCE was not mentioned as a cause.

This morning, I experienced it for the first time in a few months. I had received a phone call at 8am and woke up quickly to answer it, opening my eyes with a start. While the initial pain was not the worst I've experienced, I was tearing for most of the morning and the sensation of a raw cornea or debris under the eyelid has persisted all day. I expect it will be gone by tomorrow morning or the day after, as it usually does.

Now that I know RCE may be the cause, I will try to remember to ask my optometrist at my next appointment. Hope my experience helps someone else recognize their symptoms and zero in on a cause, too.

09 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys.

I too have Recurrent Erosion. I first developed the problem, without any sort of eye trauma the first weekend in October 2007. I had episodes usually every 5 - 10 days, although I did manage a period of 14 days without an episode. The episode always occurred in the morning, always waking me from sleep. (I've never had a waking episode). Several trips to the emergency department at my local hospital brought temporary relief with freezing eye drops, and was diagnosed with an ucler and/or a scratched cornea. Eventually I was referred to an opthamologist, who diagnosed me with Recurrent Erosion. Muro 128 cream was suggested, and I began applying it to my eye 3 - 5 times/day, including upon waking and at bedtime. This did seem to help when an episode occurred, but did not decrease the frequency of my episodes. I can concur that the pain of an episode is just intense. Often using my good left eye was not an option, as it put stress on my horrible right eye, and the right eye tending to want to do the same thing as my right eye was doing. Gently rubbing my eye through the eye lid in a circular motion seemed to help, and usually the episode was over within 2 hours, and more sleep would allow the eye to begin to heal. (I never did have a 2nd episode after returning to sleep). Usually by mid-day, things were normal.
I had a severe episode in early January of this year, where my eye was inflamed for 48 hours, at which point my opthamologist referred me for PTK surgery.
I had this surgery this past week, and I am now 6 days since the surgery. I've had several drops to use since then, including a steriod, antibiotics (due to the surgical contact lense I had inplanted at surgery), articifical tears, and a artifical tear gel to use each night at bedtime. So far, no episodes, and my eye feels great! Of course, it may just be too soon to tell.
One thing the operating Dr. told me - he said it was 'just the way my eye was built'. I have just recently discovered that my Dad suffered from this when he was in his 20's (almost 40 years ago!). This would seem to imply, at least in my case, that the problem is genetic.

Hopefully, this can help some of you.

10 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah - finally I've found out what's wrong with me! After 3 years of suffering and treatment for allergies, ulcers, herpes and dry eyes someone has finally given me a diagnosis which makes sense. And, the best bit of all (she says all too gleefully) my wonderful consultant said "I know exactly what's wrong with you - because I suffer with the same thing!" Take heart my fellow RCE friends, this guy operates on eyes for a living, if he can cope with RCE - so can we. (Mind you, there's no way I'll allow him to operate on me!)

Keep on lubing


12 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all,

Thank you for posting the blog. I have had RCE for 2 years now and was only diagnosed 1 week ago. your story sounds so like mine.

I won't bore you with the history but It started in my left eye with a scratch but now both eyes suffer. And yes the pain is unbearable!

All the best

Richard, Cambrigshire UK

19 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so unforunate that we have to go through so much pain in 2008 and there is no cure!

My story is a little different but same results. I went to the hairdressers and she got hair dye into my eye, since then I have have recurrent erosion, which is soooo painful and unbareable, it has turned my life upside down and most of the days I feel I just can't cope with it anymore. Especially when the only thing the doctors can tell me is we don't know when it will stop.

My pain starts with the eye, then the side of the head and continues to the back of the head. It feels like a fire ball in your head and at the same time your eye hurts.

I have read some of the comments but none say they suffer from the headaches, does anyone else get the same systoms as me?

21 February, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an appointment with an eye specialist next week who says he can fix the rca problem with a saline solution he brings into Australia from the USA. Has anybody tried this? I am a little concerned about it as he says it dries out the cornea, forcing it to repair itself. The other option is the scraping, which, by all accounts, does not have a high success rate. I am getting desperate to give anything a try, but, still wary about something that might cause even more damage. Has anyone heard of this? nette, QLD

08 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I just received the wonderful news this past week that I too have RCES. My doctor scraped my right cornea, installed a contact lens, gave me a prescription for antibiotics and eye drops and said go home and Google. I did.
My history is little different from the rest of you. I am 61 years old. I have had Type II Diabetes for 21 years, which I have kept under good control. About 6 years ago I had cataract surgery in both eyes (in which they implanted intraocular lenses and corrected my near sightedness). My RCES experience seems to have come on gradually. A little pain and not being able to focus at first. Then more and more symptoms until this past week when I could no longer open my right eye at all. Thank goodness my doctor is forward thinking. He says that after my eye has healed then we will discuss my treatment options.
And yes, to the question about diabetes, he says that it is one more wonderful side effect of the diease and patients with RCES MUST be extremely careful to not get eye infections as with this condition the protective layer (that helps you from getting an infection) is gone until it heals. That means no swimming pools, no hot tubs, no saunas.
So, right now other than my vision still being a little hazy I am pain free. And I will graciously accept that for now.
I hope that some of my comments help a few of you. I know I appreciated everything I read.
Ellen in the beautiful State of North Carolina

10 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glas that finally such a blog has been posted. I am a 21 year old who has suffered from this condition for about 8 years. Same symptoms as everyone else, caused by trauma. I knew it was painfull, but until my last episode, where I was prescribed vicodin, and it did nothing, I had no idea that it was that bad (which is a good thing because now I know I will survive childbirth). Anyway, I will hopefully be having the PTK surgery next week (I am now legally blind because the scar that formed obstructs my vision fiel), I will post again next week. The only reccommendation I can give to all is to ALWAYS put your eye gel in at night. It only takes one forgetfulness to end up with that pain. Also, if you feel the symptoms reoccurring, pack your eye with the heavy eye gel (for me it is genteal pm ointment, preservative free) and rest your eye for the entire day and sleep. Also, keep your eyes lubricated during the day with preservative free eye drops (thera-tears)
Good luck to all!

11 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all. I just left a comment yesterday. For most of us, this is a condition that we weill have to live with until there is a definite answer as to what will cure this. I was told (for those whose eyelashes have been falling out because of the gel at night, and the drops during the day) that is is imperative that whatever we put in out eyes be preservative free. I have also learned to wear sunglasses at all times! Regardless of it being overcast (as someone so rudely pointed out to me), there is still wind which can blow anything into our eyes and only trigger another episode. I will also be trying a homeopathic approach, in addition to the PTK next week. I will keep posting on the hopeful progress! Like someone else posted: keep on lubing!

12 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone I have been on this homeopathic treatment for about two days now, and I can already feel the difference in regards to the dry eye. Also, washing off the lubricant with baby shampoo prevents your eyes from burning when you try to wash it off.

15 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

told you it was a good route. hope the man who thought i had mentioned the homeopathic route to drum up buisness has read the last message. hope your eye continues to heal.just to put record straight. as a singing teacher druming up buisness as a homeopath would not do me many favours.

19 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,I am 44 and I have been suffering with this for about 6 months now, and like most of you feel totally isolated and I thought my life as I knew it was actually going to be over. As I read your comments and realised that there are so many of us I was relieved but cried, I had no idea that this was so common.

Trying to explain just how much pain you are in to people who don't have this is impossible, when you tell them it hurts just to eat, move your head (even with your eyes shut) and it hurts to talk so you need to be left alone, even though you feel lonely!

I have tried the gunk in the eye, I have my corneal cells scraped off 3 times now, the most incredible pain ever, even decided that if this was how it was to be I would rather be dead, failing that if they would give me a glass eye with no pain, I would have one tomorrow. Like a couple of others, I'm not usually bad with pain, I have 2 children, had ops and injuries in the past and been picked on by 3 big brothers, but this pain is off the scale.

Anyway I have been wearing a contact lense patch for about 3 months now (24 hours a day), have to put antibiotic drops in and gel tears, they took it off after 2 months and within 2 hours of going to bed the eye was worse than ever.

I am booked in for PTK laser surgery in April (about 3 weeks)and this should sort mine out, I live in hope. Apparently the treatment doesn't hurt because of the local put in your eye but because of the scraping the pain is quite intense for the first 48 hours after the op, this is the bit I'm dreading as I know how bad it will be but if it cures me, it will be worth it.

Hope you all find treatments that work for you, I'm just so glad I found this site because it has helped me more that you will ever know, I'm a mad kind of person but actually started to think that I was going proper mad!

21 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have been following this site for some time with interest and empathy for fellow sufferers .RCE Started for me approx 2001, same symptoms as most. Have had Laser surgery on one eye along with multiple micropuncture etc etc. Laser gave a relatively brief period of relief and improvement but over time has left me with a deep "ache" in the eye that gives rise to migraine like headaches lasting up to two days.(? cause)

Episodes of tearing have been several per night almost nightly for some time and in both eyes.Management has been the same as most, drops during the day and frequent use of Polyvisc lubricating ointment at night, always hopeing that I can wake quietly and squeeze more ointment in before opening the eye.

Recently my opthalmologist has again tried soft permeable silicone contact bandage lens after earlier failure, with contacts only exacerbating the problem. The first lens on the worst eye has produced significant relief over three weeks and I am now trialling lense' on both eyes. Still some day irritation from the lense BUT the night tearing is under control and this represents a huge improvement in comfort and enjoyment of life. The lense stay in 24/7 and are changed at 3/4 weeks. I am hopeful that I can continue to tolerate contacts as this is the most hope of a normal life I have had since the nightmare started.Frequent use of preservative free drops is still essential because of concurrent dry eye syndrome.I don't believe lense cures the underlying problem but am very hopeful it will enable me to manage the symptoms and enjoy life again without fearing sleep and the nightly pain.

Will be in London in June and plan to also try the Homeopathic angle,despite being a sceptic.

Lovely to read others comments and encouragement as remedies are sought. Courage and best wishes to all.

21 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm the chap at the top of this post who has had RCE for 26 years!....

Well now it is 28 years, as my specialist suggested I give the ointment another go..., a complete waste of time for me…

I feel the way forward with this problem if you are a long term sufferer is the Contact Lens route...

There is a gent here in the UK, Chris Steele, who is very much at the forefront of this type of treatment, and he has written some excellent papers on the subject….

Well worth a read and may be something to try…., after 28 years now…, I really don’t see what you have to lose…

My life has been totally disrupted by this problem as it has a massive impact on my sleep patterns… I can’t remember the last time I had a good nights sleep…, and I would guess I run my life on about 60% power…

Good luck and have a read of Chris Steele’s work…

colin DOT albright AT gmail DOT com

26 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello to all! So I was scheduled for surgery (PTK) on April 3rd, only to find that the doctor that was going to perform the surgery (I had previously switched) did not recommend the surgery. THe damage done to my cornea was too much. He said there was a %5 chance that the surgery would help even in the slightest. I was grateful for his honesty and did not question God about this. My vision in my right eye is 20/40 and unless I get a corneal transplant (which I refuse to do) my vision will not improve. I am on a homeopathic treatment which so far has helped with the dry eye. I am also taking large doses of vitamin b-complex in the sope that this will help somewhat or help prevent further episodes. :(

17 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I developed this condition in Sept. 2007. Tried several different treatments including putting a contact patch over the eye. Didn't do anything for me. Went to an opthamologist and they plugged my tear ducts and after a week it wasn't any better. went to another doctor and they performed a treatment where they punctured the cornea several times in the affected area in hopes that when it started to heal that it would heal down into the punctures and adhere to my eye better. I have had a couple of small episodes since. They were very minor ones and the pain subsided very quickly. I use a lubricated eye drop before going to bed every night. I hope this helps someone because this is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

29 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too suffer from RCE and have been since April 2006. I struggled with it for a few months before getting referred to a great opthalmologist who diagnosed this as RCE. I tried the salt drops, had punctal plugs put in, had the stromal puncture, and nothing worked. Finally, my doc recommended PTK. I had the procedure 1.5 years ago, and have been episode free in that eye since. Now, I've started to have episodes in the other eye, and will not hesitate to get PTK on that one.

I would not recommend the stromal puncture, as it didn't help, was very painful, and has left me with scarring in my line of vision that will never go away.

The advice I can give to fellow RCE sufferers is go find a good Eye MD who specializes in corneal issues. There are things that can be done to reduce of eliminate this pain, and give you your life back.

Good luck,

07 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi it’s me again…, the bloke who has had RCE for 28 years….

I have read many of the possible solutions to the problem, and I can only wish you the best if you are hoping that some kind of herbal remedy will fix the problem… You must ask yourself, “if it was as simple as a herbal remedy, don’t you think the might of the medical science would have worked it out by now…?”…

In my case, as I guess with many of you…, the problem is a defect in the cornea that I will have for the rest of my life… It is not something that will be solved by trying to remember to gently open your eyes in the morning, or a herbal remedy, or an ointment…. None of them worked for me…, I tried them time and time again in the false hope that they would give me an answer to this problem… 28 years!!!, I’ve tried them all…., and wasted hours with specialists, I’ve even had a corneal debribment…, nothing worked for more than 10 mins…

But I’m here today to report that I have an answer to the problem!…, not a solution…., because at this time there is no way to fix this problem…, but there is a way to stop the nightmare….

Last month I decided to take control of my problem… I booked an appointment with my local optician..., with a view to explore the contact lens route…

Now, there is a degree of luck here…. I met a chap at my local opticians who was from New Zealand and was we versed in the use of Therapeutic Contact Lens… (TCL’s). He was surprised that this was not more common place in the UK, doctors seem to persist with the “ointment and artificial tears” route, which does not address the problem and only gives a temporary answer…

He fitted me with a set of clear Bausch & Lomb PureVision®12 (balafilcon A) lens… I put them in before I go to bed and take them out in the morning… They are so good I don’t even know they are in… I could wear them 24/7 if needed…

Brilliant!..., the problem of the eyelid sticking to the cornea can no longer happen…, it’s impossible because the lens acts as a bandage, so the eye can heal… It may be the case that you will only need to use them short term to help your cornea to heal… From what I read, 3 months is the time is needs to fully recover, and the contact lens allows you to get this….

For me this is a long-term answer to my problem, the inconvenience of putting the lens in is so minor to my life but the benefits are enormous…

My opticians are –

Hugh Douglas
Leightons Opticians
56, Grosvenor Rd,
Tunbridge Wells,
Kent TN1 2AS

Hugh knows his stuff on this subject…. You need to get them fitted correctly and this is why you need someone who thoroughly checks all aspects of your problem….

“He and sleep were one again….”

colin DOT albright AT gmail DOT com

08 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that this is really late in the game, and I hope (without cynicism!) that you have resolved this problem. For others who have not, I found relief by using Dwelle eye drops! They are over-the-counter drops sold in the U.S. (only on line-- not available in stores, unfortuneately) but can be shipped elsewhere. They have saved my sight without surgery. They are messy, burn sometimes, and took months to really do the trick, but they did it. I just wanted to p

09 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have RCE. Here are the treatments that have been successful for me, I hope they help you:

* the "contact lens bandage" worn 24/7 for several weeks. Doctor prescribed this after I had some acute night pain incidents. I LOVE THE CONTACT LENS BANDAGE. Don't be afraid to try it. I was surprised that some doctors above were reluctant to prescribe.

* Muro 128 at bedtime EVERY NIGHT. Must be strict with yourself about this missed night and problem starts up again.

* be proactive with lubricant eye drops, use them BEFORE you feel the sandy griity feeling. I use drops about one time every hour. I use Systane or Optive. I have a little digital kitchen timer on my desk at work that beeps to remind me, and another timer at home. Does every hour sound like too much? It's so worth it, just try it! I live a typical busy and stressful American mom life style, but I make myself fit in the drops.

* when waking up in the morning, keep eyes closed and still. Keep lubricant eye drops nearby, squeeze into corner of eyes before opening, then open slowly and gently as drops disperse.

* drink lots of water to keep your whole body hydrated. On days when you have had alcoholic drinks, force yourself to drink extra water before bedtime

* I have an appt in June to discuss possibly having the PTK.

My heartfelt empathy to all the people who posted above, and all future posters. The acute pain is unbelievably excruciating. The milder chronic pain is aggravating. Are you a new sufferer, or just new to this blog? RCE is not rare, lots of people have it. Sometimes it develops by itself with no related cause, sometimes it develops as result of injury, sometimes it is a related symptom of a "corneal dystrophy". Even corneal dystrophy is not rare, just sounds so scary.

Just Google "corneal erosion" or "corneal dystrophy" to see lots of info.

By the way, if you have corneal erosion then LASIK is not a good idea for you. In LASIK the cornea is moved, which is fine for a healthy cornea but not for a cornea with erosion or dystrophy.

My RCE is caused by "epithelial basement membrane dystrophy" also call "map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy". Again, sounds horrible, but it's a common thing to have.

10 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just suffered 2 episodes of RCES a week apart at 5 a.m. I had never heard of this problem and feel very fortunate my eye doctor at Kaiser diagnosed the condition immediately. He recommended Muro 128 ointment at night and Tears liquid during the day. More options if I have a reoccurence I feel sorry for those people that had to suffer so long waiting for a diognosis. Some of the blogs were helpful, but most scared the pants off me!

22 May, 2008  
Blogger ロイ said...

Hi guys. This is the last thing you want to involve in when you are still alive. You would sacrifice anything to get rid of this intense and killing pain. It's horrid!

I have had this for nearly 4 months, usually in the morning, saw ophthalmologist he gave me FML and lube to use at night.

It was totally fine that week. A month later, it's starting again, it's twice as bad.

Visiting the same ophthalmologist, he gave me antibiotics Doxycycline for a month. Still under treatment, it's quite effective. Finger crossed, no surgery involved whatsoever.

I researched bit Doxycycline can help reducing some enzymes in cornea which cause parts falling off. Still dropping FML and lubing at night, surely.

Keep lubing and hope for the best.

Try asking your doctor to give you Doxycycline.

All the best. Roy - Sydney.

03 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find my eyes are better if I take a daily multi-vitamin.

07 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello to all you lifesavers. I have had RCE for five years and for the past year, it has been hell on earth (as well you know) without a night's full sleep. Scratching one's own eyes out does actually become a thought-about option, and that's definitely not a good sign!

Well, like you all, I read and read and read and read to find a miracle. I also went to our fantastic NHS eye hospital many, many times. But, as you all know it is a fairly low priority thing, even though we know it isn't.

I went the steroid route, the lacrolube route, you name it.

Then I read about wearing a contact lens at night from this site. I tell you, my whole life is better. I sleep like a log, my eye is healing big style and I do not get even a twinge of pain.

I went to my optician and got him to provide me with a bandage (it's just a contact lens without the lens bit) contact lens. They are soft, you can wear them day and night for 30 days at a time. It's heaven. You may feel a bit nervous about taking them in and out as you feel overly sensitive about the risk of further eye damage, so get the optician to do it for you until you get the hang of it.

I use preservative free viscotears at night too on top of the lens just to keep the whole thing going. The combination is unbeatable.

Thanks so much for your help with this!!! I feel so great and my eye is whiter than white can be! Go forth and wear lenses!

12 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was diagnosed today 16/6/08. after being seen yesterday by nhs24 and told I had conjunctivitis. excuse the spelling.i knew this was not right as the pain I was in was very sore and made me feel sick and sore. i have now found a great pair of sunglasses that are helping me get on with the day to day task. sorry to hear so many people have suffered at the mercy of nhs or similar. i was not given any adviced about what not to do and reading everyone's comments has given me a far greater insight to how I can help myself. i have to return in 8weeks to see the doctor again. thanks for all who took the time to share the joys (or not) of recurrent corneal erosion syndrome.

17 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was skeptical about reading these comments until I ended up spending over an hour reading everyone's testimonies. I have never experienced something like RCES, which I now have a better understanding of the benefit(s) of support groups.

It seems I can relate to almost all of what you have gone through, except for how long I went to through the symptoms, and for those of you who went through double- trouble with both eyes, I cannot even imagine.

My RCES onset April of 2007 and my last serious occurrence during September of 2007. I know many of you are thinking, "boo hoo," that's it? Understood.

My last occurrence (albeit very minor) was about two months ago (April 08). I would like to add one thing I experienced that nobody has mentioned yet. During my last serious occurrence (other than the razor blade/throbbing pain that you have all mentioned), the corneal edema caused my right eye to droop so low that my lower eyelid looked like a flesh fishhook!

Anyway, I also have some remedies to share. First of all, I have experienced a remedy that nobody has mentioned yet...God. You want true healing? Ask God into your life. You will get more than physical relief from RCES. So many of you mentioned the serious anxiety associated with the pain and getting to sleep enough. God will take that away if you let Him.

How does God enter your life? Admit your wrongdoings to Him in prayer and believe in Him. You must also repent (turn away from that which keeps you from being skeptical and/or not Glorifying God). Are there strings attached? Nope. It is a free gift. Which he makes clear in His word, The Holy Bible. I was already saved before I got RCES, so when I started getting very anxious about my sleep, I gave it all to Him, and wow did He answer!

Please know that God is aware of your past, your thoughts & desires, and you do not have to "clean up" beforehand. He takes care of that for you. I know it seems too good to be true or even a complete fraud to you. It is not about being religious or not, it is about the truth, which is that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16)"

I will pray for everyone who has posted comments. Please know that relief from RCES is only one of a multitude of blessings that you will experience in giving your life to God. I understand your apprehensions as I have experienced them too at one time...doubt, not wanting to give up what I want...thinking that I can do it alone. "Apart from me you can do nothing," declares the Lord.

Here are some other remedies that have worked along with God's healing. Genteal eye drops (severe dryness formula) and Genteal PM gel. Also, consider buying a contour pillow (tempurpedic spelling? :) ) I have experienced one very minor occurrence ever since I have used the gels and the pillow. It makes me realize now that God has let this RCES hold on just a tiny bit (don't think I can even call it RCES anymore) so that I could post this really long comment to help others!

I hope what I have shared helps.

19 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it seems I forgot to leave my name at the end of the June 19,2008 comment. My name is Matt.

19 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt - the only thing most of us here are religious about is using eye lube! All hail Lacrilube..the true God of RCE!! Thanks for the preaching..the phrase 'time and a place for everything' springs to mind'.. but each to their own eh.

Back in reality land..I've been using lacrilube at night for 6 mths now..although still get the pain on waking every week or so, for no apparent reason.

I was lucky that i have a good optician in London who spotted the RCE quickly and sent me to a corneal specialist. The specialist has told me the options are A) try to let it heal on its own for another few mths (and to keep using lacrilube for 2 mths after the last episode or when i think its healed B) have this surgery where they peel back the cornea and put chemicals on your eye and it apparently hurts like hell for a few days but only has a 60-70% success rate!
So still on the lacrilube..and still got the fingers crossed.

23 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..By the way..I forgot to mention that i also have (borderline) kerataconus in the same eye as the RCE. The specialist couldn't tell me if this makes me more pre-disposed to would be interested if anyone else out there has the same..

23 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was not aware that you had jurisdiction over this blogsite. Furthermore, are you sure you can speak for everyone who posts comments here?

Bottom line: Read carefully before passing judgment. Did you read the part that said this is "not about religion?" Or did you just see the words "God" and "religion" present and amuse yourself by doing (quite ironically) exactly what the bible says unbelievers will do?

As for the saying "time and place for everything," you tell me Si. Shall I speak the good news to other Christians in church who already know Christ? Is it inappropriate to acknowledge the same God who created you and me (whether you choose to believe it or not makes no difference) and Lacrilube?

Surely I feel no anger only pity Si. I would not just post a comment about God on "The Hopeful Cynic" unless there is an undeniable truth I had to share. Does that bring you "back to reality" Si? The reality is that if I were to share info about a pill on my last comment that heals RCES or kerataconus, you would be elated to even meet me in person to get one. But mentioning the creator of the universe? How inappropriate of me.

Si, I will be praying for you. What is really cool is that I do not even have to know who you are and God can change your heart if he wants to because He knows you.

On a final note: The 2nd option you mentioned (B) actually has a lower success rate than 60-70%. It is called corneal debridement and I had it done 9 months ago. I still had minor occurrences months afterwards. Then again I suppose it couldn't hurt to try.

In Christ,


24 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! My story is very similar to most on here. I think I was having small occurrences for several months last year, but when they corrected fairly quickly, just thought I had something in my eye or scratched my eye or whatever. Until October 30, 2007, woke in middle of night with horrendous pain .. several posters said "like razorblades" .. I have described the pain as feeling like there were "rusty razorblades" in my eye. My eye doc said I had a corneal tear - one of the worst she'd ever seen. It put me out of work for a whole week and daily doc appts that whole week and half of the next. I couldn't even have the right eye open until the fifth day because the pain was so bad. Eye doctor told me to really treat the eye carefully and that if it recurred within six months it greatly increased the chances of it becoming a recurring condition. My six month mark was April 30 and I had had no recurrence. Another month went by, thought I was out of the danger zone, but this morning 2:30 a.m. I awoke to the pain and flooding tears from my eye (the same eye again). After an hour or so, got comfortable enough to fall back to sleep for a few hours, and then the pain started again when I woke up. Back to the eye doctor's today. My doc doesn't work on Tuesday, so I saw another doc in the practice. He has given me a new treatment he said he just learned about in a conference a few weeks ago. I saw some of you mention some of the 'cycline drugs. He has prescribed a 60 day (twice a day) dose of Minocycline (50 mg) and Lotemax (.5%) eye drops .. 1 drop in the eye 2 times per day also for 60 days. He says after this course of treatment, there is a 90% chance that the RCE will never occur again!!! I just started the treatment today, but I'll keep you posted as to how it progresses. Thanks for all of the information on this site. It has been most helpful.

25 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, thank you for your prayers and for your pity. I have seen the light and embraced God and brought Jesus into my heart. And simpy because you suggested it on a website about eye conditions.
A true miracle.
Praaaaise the Lord.

P.s. I heard the voice of God this morning (and I wasn't even on the toilet) - he gave me a message for you - he says he named you Matt because it rhymes with prat.

27 June, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Matt - the only thing most of us here are religious about is using eye lube!" "All hail Lacrilube" (Si)

1. The fool says in his heart, there is no God (Psalm 14:1)

"Thanks for the preaching..the phrase 'time and a place for everything' springs to mind' (Si)

2. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them (1 Cr 2:14)

"I hate religious zealots even more than RCE" (Si)

3. All men will hate you because of me. (Luke 21:17...words of Jesus to his followers)

"P.s. I heard the voice of God this morning (and I wasn't even on the toilet) - he gave me a message for you - he says he named you Matt because it rhymes with prat" (Si)

4. "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires." (Jude 1:18)

5. But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you (Luke 6:27...words of Jesus)

So I will keep praying for you Si. It is probably best that we end this since this is not actually between me and you, and I do hope you can come to understand that. And yes, it is a site about eye conditions, not ideal for spiritual debate. However, if you want to be much more informed we could take this to the phone lines. I assure you that I have spent over two decades understanding things from your vantage point. Have you truly ever tried to understand from mine or countless others who share the faith? It is never too late. I hope things work out for your RCES and keratoconus.

04 July, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi folks.

I did a bit of googling and found this site. So just wanted to say thanks to everyone talking about their eye problems and saying what has worked or not for them.

My story is in 2 parts...
About 4 years ago I injured my right eye with something scraping over the surface. Shortly afterwards both eyes began ripping.

At that stage it wasnt too bad. It was a few hours of pain in the morning once a weeks or two. I wasnt using any eye drops. Doctors told me to live with it and I'd heal (this is in the UK)
I found that if I went through periods of stress with little sleep my eye ripped more frequently.
So if its not too bad then more rest and chilling out is helpfull in minimising how often it occurs.

Then in October 07 everything changed.

I woke up screaming. For the next 48 hours I couldnt open my eyes and without any pause, tears constantly poured from them.

I went to the docs and then to a specialist eye hospital. I got lacrilube and celluvisc (1%)

That was October, this is now July. My eyes have ripped every morning since then at this new elevated pain level.
Daylight or any source of light is painful. Once the throbbing starts after being exposed to any light then the eyes rip far worse the next day.

I used to have perfect eyesight.
Now I can barely see anything out of my right eye and I'm thinking that may be the reason why I get headaches now when I strain to try to read anything.

The advice people give about waking up slowly and carefully and putting drops in before you open your eyes is nice.
In my situation I wake up most mornings wondering what that noise is before realising that its me screaming in pain.

So... what now?

I read last night about the combination of a tetracycline and a corticosteroid giving a 90% success ratio.
e.g. doxycycline (100mg daily 6 weeks) / prednisone eye drops (1-2 week) combo.

I called my doc today and am waiting to hear back from her about this - if its legit and I could try it out.

The other suggestion about some sort of contact lens sounds promising also. Time to push the docs as living like this is just not an option!

Good luck to everyone.
If you find anything that works - please write back so that we can perhaps try something we hadnt tried before.

22 July, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I last posted to this site on 21/3/08. Since then I have been wearing biofinity aquaform soft contact lenses prescribed by my Opthalmologist(bandage lenses). These have solved my RCE symptoms completely. I wear the lens 24/7 and replace every 3-4 weeks. Use refresh plus preservative free eye drops as needed and when retiring at night. The only problem experienced has been hayfever and itchy eyes during the allergy season in UK whilst visiting there. More management was needed during this period. The underlying problem is still there but NO MORE night pain,migraines etc. Different things seem to work for different people but to date this has been the best and most effective solution for me, after having unsuccessfully had all the other treatments so far mentioned by everyone.

Good luck to everyone.

23 July, 2008  
Blogger Baritone Bob said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

24 July, 2008  
Blogger Baritone Bob said...

Add me to the list of new RCE club members. I posted a short account of the diagnosis at

I've had symptoms for a year and a half, and pain that has persisted into the daytime occurred about 6 times in the last couple of months.

If I don't get it under control I'll ask for the contact lens therapy.

from Florida, USA

24 July, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again folks

I could use your help....

I had another specialist docs appointment today.
I'm now wearing bandage contact lenses in both eyes and have a course of doxycycline.

I did ask about the doxycycline/prednisone combo but he was unaware of it. I was asked to find and print off my own research from online showing legit documentation of clinical trials for my next appointment.

So does anyone know where I can find this information?

Thanks and good luck to all.

31 July, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

further to my post just above... something went wrong.
The morning after having the eye bandage lenses in my right eye ripped. Over the next few days there was constant pain just from blinking or moving the eye. I called the eye hospital and got an immediate appointment.
Turns out a large chunck of my eye has come lose. Had debridement there and then to remove it.

got lots more meds and for the pain 30mg dihydrocodien and sodium diclofenac.

So far it just feels lie a bad rip. Cant wait to wake tomorrow morning.....

For good news - the eye bandage in my other eye has actually done some good and my eyesight has improved.

So the seem to work for some eyes...

good luck all.

06 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI, I feel for you. I discovered I have RCE after my eyelid gave me a huge abrasion. I was treated for dry eye which can cause that but the problem was it got worse instead of better. I got a secondary bacteria as well! I have had over 4 weeks of pain with my right eye. So I was sent to a specialist and he said mystery solved. You have RCE. So I continued antibiotic drops and a pain drop as needed plus Muro 128, an ointment that goes right on the eyball on both eyes and reduces corneal swelling as well as lubricates. I found it also stuck my eyelids, so I had to fumble to the bathroom in the middle of every night to flush them with water before opening them. It worked though. I will have to take Refresh liquigel every night the rest of my life and it is still no guarantee this will not happen again. The main thing is to remember to not pop your eyes open when you wake up. I keep a cold wash rag and lay on them a moment or two before opening them. I wish everyone luck with this. It is trying at times, but hopefully is manageable.

14 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had RCE in left eye about 5 years ago, and after 2 years of treatment, first drops and nighttime lubricants, then bandage contacts for months, it went away.

Then I got it in my right eye, including one spell as others have described where it hurt so much I couldn't open either eye for more than a second. I had to dial a neighbor whose phone # I had memorized and get driven (and led) to the ER, when the pain didn't subside after 2 hours (as it had on prior spells). I'm using a bandage contact in that eye, for a week at a time, then I clean/disinfect the lens, and wear it one additional week. Before the lens, I tried Muro saline, but that didn't seem to help.

For those of you doing bandage contacts, and who also wear glasses, they make contact lenses that are "Plano", that is, they have no prescription power. For a while I had to wear -0.5 and -1.0 bandage contacts and it wreaked havoc with my near vision.

The eye doctor used to put them in for me, but now I have a prescription and put them in and out myself.

In the U.S., a 6-pack of plano lenses was $35 at my eye place; a prescription was required.

I'm still using lubricating drops, too! I am about to try NOT wearing the contacts during the day, because my eye feels strained and tired from wearing them--I had switched from contacts back to glasses due to eye fatigue over a decade ago.

The notes about preemptive and regular administration of the drops are ones I agree with. Buy a couple bottles so you have one on the nightstand, one in the office, one in your backpack/briefcase/purse. If you're flying, make sure to carry on drops with with (most are small enough to be put in the clear ziplock bag with other liquids), and then keep them on you (not in the overhead!) so you can use them regularly.

Best wishes to everyone with this for relief and clear vision!

19 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I meant to add--I don't recall ever having a specific injury to cause my RCE. As I have now had it in both eyes, my doctor said it could be genetic, although I don't know of anyone else with it in my family.

19 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick of suffering with this problem. The pain is so bad and I never know when it is going to happen.I had a bad attack last week after putting drops in my eyes at 11pm and then again at 3am. For no reason at 4 am I woke with a sudden onset. This bout lasted for a week.
Off to the specialist this time. Trying 3 months of Doxycline (antibiotic)and tear again spray. Spray much easier to use and you spray it on to your eyes when they are shut. Hoping this will work, has doxycline worked for any one out there?

26 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some advice...
I have had RCE for 10 mths now, and never went more than 2-3 weeks without an occurence. I was using Lacrilube every night, but then decided to try this Muro128. Can't get it here in the UK so i bought it off ebay from the USA.
This is probably tempting fate by posting this, but it's now been 6 weeks since i started using it and not a single occurence. I've also been running the tube under hot water before applying as I find it spreads better.

Hope that helps y'all!

27 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. make sure it's Muro128 5% ointment, not the solution.

27 August, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I scratched my eye about 15 years ago and about 5 years ago I woke up in the morning and felt like it was scratched again - very painful. Went to the eye doctor and said I had recurrent corneal erosion. Wonderful! He told me to put Muro 128 5% ointment in every night for about 3-4 months, which I did (some times I would go for a week with no pain, then it would start up again), but after 4 months it seemed healed. Then the next year it happened again. Very uncomfortable, painful, watery eye!. So I put the Muro in for 4 months and then it was ok again. Did this for 5 years, then I got tired of it. My eye doctor recommended PTK laser surgery which is supposed to correct this in 80% of people. So I said, what the heck, I'm tired of dealing with it. So I had it done. The corneal surgeon scraped the little pieces of the top layer of eye that were hanging (which causes the pain) and lasered it, put a contact lens bandage on it for a couple of days. The surgery only took 5 minutes and was no big deal. After the surgery, I had to put drops in every hour and Muro ointment every night. I was doing great for over 2 months, then I woke up and felt like I had razor blades in my eye. He said the erosion had recurred so I ended up missing 2-1/2 weeks of work and he had to put a patch on my eye so it wouldn't be opening and blinking. Then it was ok for 4 weeks and it happened again the other day. I went to the eye doctor and he said there were just a few little pieces hanging this time (but it still hurts like hell!), but as the day went on it felt better. He just said to put the Refresh Celluvisc drops in every hour and Muro ointment at night. That's about all you can do. I'm hoping one day it will just stop, but I know what you mean - it is so painful and uncomfortable and your eye just keeps watering constantly - it's hard to do anything, especially work! But just so you know, the laser surgery doesn't work for everyone. Good luck to you.

01 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! Thank you! for posting this. I was finally, after seeing 4 doctors, diagnosed with this today.

The pain is worse than child birth, and I know this from experience. Some days the pain is gone within an hour and somedays it takes half the day to get relief.

Has anyone noticed onset after being at the pool? Seems after a day of playing with my kids at the pool the next few days are insanely painful. Didnt know if this was coincedence or not.

Ive been wearing the bandage contact for 24 hours now. The doctor said I will still feel some "scratchy" sensation but not as bad as before. Also, if you're wearing the HURTS when its CHANGED!! The lense sticks to the cornea and sometimes rips when removed. I recommend asking the doctor for numbing drops before changing the lense.

I begin the Muro drops tonight and I have hope thanks to your postings. Thank you again and best wishes to all of you.

04 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, I wrote sometime back in 2007. I have had RCE for about 3 years now and the only relief is bandage contacts. No more drops all day long, no more pain when you least expect it. It was a living nightmare. I have worn the contact now for 2 years with no episodes of RCE. Soft lenses worn only at night, then I remove them during the day and live my life. Thank goodness it is only in one eye. I wish everyone good luck with finding a resolution to your problems. Linda

07 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What brand and/or size of soft contact bandages do you use for your RCE??? I have occasional symptoms of RCE after 1 and a half years (albeit mild compared to others who have shared their blogs)in one eye. Do you change them easily on your own? Thanks!

10 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I developed severe RCE in 1995. First tried Muro 128 which worked for a while, but then the RCE returned with a vengance.

Over time I developed RCE in both eyes. I agree. I have had kidney stones several times and this pain is close to as bad.

Originally my Doctor tried the puncture routine which unfortunately did not solve the problem.

Next he did the laser procedure and I have been about 90% better. Still get pains but not as severe. I use Muro 128 ointment every night and it seems to really help.

My Doctor said to use it the rest of my life and I agree. The only problem is the extreme cost. Since it is mostly lanolin and sodium I cannot figure how they can charge $20.00 for 1/8 ounce. But since it helps I will give up food before going thru that pain again..

24 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again folks,
4th posting here with update to progress and meds.

@ Ret
Doxycycline by itself for 3 months is no use to me. Been on it for almost 2 months now - but it can help some people in one of 3 ways
1 - it can be used to treat chlamydia which can affect the eyes.
2 - it can help seal the layers of the eyes together
3 - when used in conjunction with a very short course of prednisolone it can have a very high success rate at fixing the erosions. Prednisolone can have serious side effects on the eye pressure and its efficacy is dependent on the type of underlying damage to the eye.

Be warned that doxycycline also has serious side effects when any of your skin is exposed to the sun for even a couple of hours so always keep your skin covered and wear a hat.

See below for more info.

Update #3
A large update - maybe someone will find some usefull information.

Since my last post..
- Right eye - continuing to rip every few days including one severe episode a couple of weeks ago.
- Left eye - accidentally knocked out the bandage contact lens. I was told my eye looked better so they wouldnt bother replacing it. My left eye began ripping that night.

Light sensitivity is bad.
Have to stay indoors without lights for the last month. When I'm exposed to daylight or lightbulbs for 1-2 hours I get a throbbing pain at the back of the eyes. Once this kicks in I always get rips in one or both eyes. Intensity of throbbing pain and the resultant rip depends on how long I stayed in the light.
I researched sunglasses. My category 3 lenses are no use. Category 4 (high altitude Mountaineering) may help more but I dont have a pair to test.
Bandaging both eyes as soon as the pain starts does help.
Bandaging my worse eye and wearing sunglasses over the other eye allows me to stay under a light source slightly longer.

I've been doing some research and changed docs from a general eye specialist on the NHS to a corneal specialist on private care. The eye doctors I've seen didnt have a clue about the cornea which is just abysmal. They couldnt tell me about any of the online research I'd done into the efficacy of various procedures. This new doctor *IS* a corneal specialist and was able to understand and answer all my questions and completely revised my medication.

One of the things he said is that there are lots of different trreatments for RCE because there are lots of causes/patterns of damage that could initiate it.
For instance Stromal punctures and PTK would be no use to me because they are for specifically damaged areas of the eye. Apparently my whole eyes are damaged, diseased, swollen, full of toxic chemicals and I have blood vessels growing into the cornea where they shouldnt be.
Lovely! ;)
So just lubricating the eye (lacrilube and celluvisc 1%) as the other doctors had me doing or wearing bandage contacts would actually not only fail to address the problem but could make things worse. (May explain why the last eye bandage just ripped a chunk out of my right eye)

I'm now on Prednisolone 0.5%, Doxycycline 100mg, Sodium Hyaluronate 0.18% and "Simple eye ointment"

Apparently its important to be tested for diabetes and chlamydia to eliminate any underlying causes.
- I had the diabetes test about a month ago and am fine
- chlamydia - not been tested for before but from researching it online it looks like if I had anything the doxycycline would have taken care of it.

In 7 days I go back to see how this new treatment is working and where we go from there.

I suppose it is also worthwhile noting that I have been on a course of SSRI's over the last year. These dry the eyes and could be why my eyes have flared up so badly. I managed to persuade my doctor to stop them last month.
Unfortunately 2 things changed 1 month ago so I cant say which one has affected my eyes.
My eyesight has returned to normal in that I can read the bottom line of the eyecharts. For the last year I've only been able to read the top 3-5 lines.
Possible cause 1: stopped taking SSRI's
Possible cause 2: stayed indoors for 1 month and bandaged my eyes at night and for about 50% of each day. I only went outside twice (rips each time for those hospital visits)

So if you are on SSRI's it may be worth inestigating that possibility - with your doctors consent and careful monitoring!

But above all, ensure you speak with a corneal specialist - not just a specialst eye doctor.

Good luck.

26 September, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 12, and i have just been diagnosed with R.C.E.
I went to the optometrest on friday because for about 2 weeeks before i went I had realy sore painfull eyes when i woke up in the morning. the optometrset gave me a prescription to go and get some antibiotics eye drops.

My cornea was dammaged by wearing +6.5 oisis contact lenses. each time i put the lenses in they rub some of the outer layer of my cornea off. So now i have been wearing glasses for about 10 days. the pain is still occuring in the mornings but it aventually wears off through out the day.

has anyone else so young have this?

19 October, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks to all of you for leaving your comments here. I really felt alone until I discovered this site. I've had RCE for five years, having had an attack (as I call them) every week or two. I am 63 and had my two children (now 33 and 34) without anesthetic and, as others have said here, the pain of RCE is as bad as labor, fortunately it doesn't last as long!

It took visits to two optometrists and two ophthalmologists before I found one (actually two, saw her partner with her at the same time) who understood and concurred with my own diagnosis of RCE which I made on the basis of reading lots of books and online. Frustrating journey, but now I have an eye doctor(s) I trust.

I want to share with you some things I've done which really reduced the frequency and severity of the attacks. First, dietary changes:
*eating more soy products
*eating no meat, including fish and chicken (contains many harmful substances, including toxins)
*eating a diet of mostly organic vegetables and fruit, a wide variety
*eating soft boiled eggs 2 or 3X/week, no dairy products
*taking a tablespoon of flax/DHA oil per day (I like Udo's best)
*drinking a little red wine daily (not for our 12 year old friend!)
*eating more avocados
*omitted eating white potatoes (The only night I had two attacks was after eating a bunch of potato salad)
*drinking more liquid
And next, other changes:
*stopped rubbing eyes, now just press gently when I need to
*using Genteal drops for moderate dry eyes several times during the day
*using Muro 128 ointment at night and cover eyes with a folded strip of plastic wrap, taped at the temples with gentle paper tape
*using a little drop of the Muro ointment during the day if my
eye(s) felt painful/extra dry

Since I've been using the Muro (for three months), I am so happy to say I've not had one RCE attack. Covering with the plastic wrap sounds weird but, for me, it really works. The best price on Muro I've found is at Costco, 2 tubes for $28.

What you all have shared here has been of great benefit to me, I hope what I've shared will help some of you.

Seal Beach, CA

27 October, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 years ago my then toddler scratched my cornea. What pain! Some nights I cryed before going to bed because I knew the pain that was ahead. Unbelievable. Ive had old cells scrapped off my eye then a contact bandage on for about 1 year. I cryed when they took it out, in fear of infection they had to. Touch wood, I've had no pain for about 1 year. I put loads and loads of lacrilube in my eye every night without fail. I can feel it pulling through the night sometimes and it's usually very dry in the morning. Very carefully I put in loads of minims artifical tears and more lacrilube if its in the night. I always got worse pain when I had a cold for some reason, but I 've just got over an awful one and no pain. No one understands how painful it is through the night, and I can't believe that mine must be getting better. So for anyone out there ( and I know there is) it mightn't be pain forever. You're not alone, its bloody horrific. All I can say is, loads of lubrication.

05 November, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again
5th posting - last one on 26th Sept 08

Before my update just a word to the 12 year old with rce....
Sorry to hear you have it so young.
I'm not sure what your optometrist has told you but its important to note that it can take about 3 months without any rips/scraping pain for your eye to heal. so...
1 - dont rub your eyes
2 - Lubricate them as often as possible.

You dont say why they are sore in the mornings..
If they are dry and scraping when you wake then you probably need some overnight lubricant.
If they are ripping then you probably need to see a specialist.

Whatever the situation... good luck to you.

Now for my own update...

Since changing Specialists and meds my life has changed incredibly.

- I have had NO RIPS!!!!
(No rips 26th Sept - {now} 6th Nov where previously it was EVERY DAY!!)
- I can handle a lightbulb on in the house or even daylight without pain
- I am no longer in constant pain and am painkiller free (I was at 60mg dihydrocodein & Diclofenac level)
- I can sleep for 6 hours now. For the last year I've been only able to sleep for about 1hour every 1-2 days due to the pain/rips keeping me awake

However, I am not completely cured.
My eyes still get dry and scrape. Although this is purely my fault for forgetting to take the new lubricants.
But I have finally found some lubricants that work for me and keep it under control which is why I can finally go a full nights sleep now.

Lacrilube and celluvisc were useless for me.
The lubricants that work are Vismed and "Simple Eye Ointment".

So if you find yourself waking up in pain during the night with dry or ripping eyes - seriously consider trying a different ointment.

Another thing that helped was bandaging my eyes at night to keep them closed.
So be sure to try that as well.

On the down side I have some weird 'side-effects' that I dont know if anyone else has experienced.
I keep falling over. Whenever I move or change where I look I become incredibly dizzy. I initially thought it may have been the prednisolone eye drops but that ceased a few weeks ago leaving me only on the doxycycline. So perhaps its that.... I will be tapering off the doxycycline over the coming weeks so we shall see.
Isnt the internet great? ;) I've just done a search and discovered that although dizzyness isnt a listed side-effect of doxycycline, it appears to be a common complaint.

Hope that info helps (in context of my previous updates)

So just to serve as a summary of the potential treatments that you should discuss with your corneal specialist to see which is the correct option for your particular version or RCE we have

1 - Lubricants only.
For some people this is enough - but experimentation may be needed to find the best combination of lubricants. This is the doctors first attempt to help to see how bad the problem really is. However, a good specialists examination should identify which additional treatments may be necessary to treat any underlying undiagnosed problems.

2 - Contact Lens eye bandages with lubricants.
Only helpful for some types of damage patterns and if there is no underlying inflamation which would need to be addressed first.

3 - Doxycycline and Lubricants.
A side effect of doxycycline is that it can help seal the layers of the eyes together.

4 - Doxycycline, Prednisolone eye drops and lubricants
Requires careful monitoring as steroids in the eye are risky but it has high success rates for certain types of rce

5 - Alcohol delamination
Can help for certain types of RCE

6 - Stromal Puncture
Useful for only specifc points of injury but has low success rates (50%)

7 - PTK
Can help for speific points of injury but has higher success rates than stromal punctures.

And the moral of the story is that you have to become more of a specialist in your ailment that the majority of the quacks you see!!! ;)

Good luck

06 November, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this site! I have suffered from this for years. I have had two surgeries for it with no relief. This is strange but while I was pregnant, it didn't happen AT ALL! I think it is the hormones in the body that helped lubricate the cornea but no doctor believes me. I have tried the contacts as well but the only problem with that is to do only at night because if you wear them all the time, your eyes get" weak" and then they hurt all the time when you take the contacts out. I am out of luck I feel since there really is no cure. Like many of you said, thank good ness the pain lasts just a little while and then I can get to sleep. I do take a cold wet towel and press on my eye until I fall asleep and this helps tremendously.
Thanks for your suggestions!

18 November, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I can't believe I found you guys.I'll make this short. I was diagnosed about a year ago when I was sent to a specialist. Before that time I heard the same stories from the Optomatrist that you guys have.Dry eye, Bad perscription, Dirt in my eye.At the time i was going for a new script and much to my surprise they were no good to me when they came in because I had a small erosion on my right eye. I'm getting ahead of myself.Ive had extreme tares in both eyes since then to the point that I can't see at all. The eye swells so much that it shoots fluid out and we all know about the wonderful pain we have to deal with for a week or so after.My specialist told me that I'm very Interesting because I'm the lucky one to have symptoms of two Types. One is Reis bucklers and the other is Messman's. After six months of therapy, I now get small tares but more frequently. My specialist said there was a slight improvment so I just got my new eyeglass script and they worked great for two days.So if I misspelled anything forgive me but it's tough to type in the dark with no glasses on. Thanks for listening. Steve S

02 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of someone going blind from RCE, I'm concerned because my vision is always blurred and extremely sensitive to light.

02 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wel, I would just like to say that reading this Blog has made me feel physically sick. I injured my cornea 6 weeks ago, put up with the pain and treatment, and assumed it was cured and better, and was getting on with my life quite happily. I've had the odd 10-minute-ouch-in-the-morning since then, but thought it was just a bit of a leftover problem. Monday this week - woke up and wanted someone to cut my head off to relieve the pain.

Long story short - ended up in the hospital to be told I have RES.

One thing that surprises me somewhat is that all the bloggers here seem to be backwards and forwards to their docs. The hospital just prescribed chloramphenicol for a week, followed by lacrilube and viscotears for a further 3 months. No mention of potential problems or follow-up appointments.

So I left the hospital fee;ing quite optimistic that it would be fixed on its own with a bit of help from tubes....

Today, the sight is just about good enough to look at a computer (but still pressure-bandaged and full of gunk), and I have looked up RES and become progressively more nauseous and despondent.

So - scared RES brand-newbie here....... I can't deal with that pain on a regular basis - I would go completely mad.


06 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, It's Steve S. I understand your concerns, it's not the greatest thing to develope but you can somewhat control the effects of it. I've been using Muro128 drops, 4 times a day along with the sterile individual packs of Bion tears when needed.I know when I need them, I feel my eyes drying, they get stuck to my eyelds when I blink. As soon as I feel this I use the Bion tears.It's much better to lube before this occurres but you know how it is, you get busy at work and forget to.Next step to my therapy. Before I go to bed I apply a very hot cloth to my eyes for about 15 minutes every night. You have to get it as hot as you can stand it.After that I clean my eyelids, eyebrows and around my eyes with a sterile wipe, it's called LID-CARE towelettes they come in a box of individual packs .This process breaks up any crusted depri that you've accumulated around the eye during the day.After that I apply a generous amount of Muro 128 Lube to both eyes since I have it in both. After that I'ts sleep time and Hopefully I don't wake up with a bad tare. So far so good. I hope this will help you and anyone else out there. Steve S

06 December, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just wanted to chime in and say I am SO happy to find this post. Not happy so many feel my pain, so glad someone does. I have had this for at least 10 years and just had it accurately diagnosed TODAY.

I haven't finished reading all the comments, but just wanted to say "hey" and thanks for the informative post and discussion!

17 December, 2008  
Blogger Donna Cooper said...

I've been dealing with RCE for years. First time was in my 20's after I injured my cornea by scratching it with my fingernail. The abrasion eventually created RCE in my left eye. After 2 scrapings, I did not have trouble again for years.

Recently, however, both eyes have had many flareups. The most recent is my right eye. Began with a small "rip" in the AM on Christmas eve, then, in the evening while wrapping presents it felt like someone ripped the entire surface of my eye off. I've NEVER had so much pain, not ever. I ended up in the ER Christmas eve. They had no clue what to do for me other than numbing drops.

I went home and went to bed, but Christmas day was excruciating. My eye was like a waterfall. Called my Opthymologist's office, and the Dr. on call, returned my call. She was SO RUDE, and would not see me. Told me to put drops in and bandage it. My opthymologist was on call today, so I called this AM, and he met me at the office.

God bless him. He is so compassionate and caring. He took care of my eye. Drops, Antibiotic and bandage lense. Said it was the very worst abrasion he's seen in 20+ years of practice. He was so frustrated at the Dr. on call. It made him livid that she would treat anyone like that.

I think I'm going to go ahead with the PTK, now for both eyes. I'm so tired of it taking over my life!

27 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello All,

Since so many of you have already described the exact feelings that I have experienced with regard to RCE, I won't go into any details of my personal experience with it.

Please allow me to take a moment to express my sincere sympathy (and empathy) to all of you and what you are going through.

I found this site while attempting to find out what exactly was the matter with my eye and why it never seemed to heal after a MINOR accident while working in my yard.

I haven't been officially diagnosed with RCE (my doctor's appointment is in one week) but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind now that this is what I suffer from.

I post this message, not to tell you my story, but to offer a link to a site I found describing a treatment that I don't remember reading from any of the other posters and in the hopes that some of you who suffer from this more than I do might find some relief.

The link is

Just in case the link becomes inactive, the article appears to be written by a doctor Ian A. Mackie who has treated multiple patients suffering from RCE by using botulinum toxin injections.

Though this does not appear to be a cure, it appears to offer substantial relief.

For those unfamiliar with this type of procedure, it is the same thing as BOTOX, used to paralyze facial muscles to reduce wrinkling.

I've rambled on about this enough already so I should stop. I just hope that this offers relief to even one person.

08 January, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my daughter has had this problem since she was about 6 years old she is now 10. It went undiagnosed for about 2 years. We have been to three specialists just for the diagnosis. Unfortunately there is no cure, my daughters is genetic as she has it in both eyes. Our only course of action is lubrication before bed, which seems to have decreased the frequency of the erosions. But occasionally she will still suffer through episodes that last for days at a time, and in both eyes at the same time. But its been better than pre-diagnosis. So we will make the best of it.

21 January, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I too suffer from REC. My nightmare started 17 years ago when I worked for a chemical company. Unfortunately, I was young and niave and did not know that I could have sued. I experienced a chemical burn in both eyes while working in a film producing area. I missed several weeks of work due to my eyes not healing properly. My employer excused me and stated that I had emotional problems. How about that! The company's chemicals burn my eyes and I am the one who has emotional problems. 17 years later I am still having recurring erosions, my episodes can last for 8 to 10 days at a time before I can see normal. I have 5 children now and I am a single mom (Dad didn't want to deal with my pain). I wear sunglasses no matter what time of day it is and I even wear them at work. I know that people who do not know me think I have a drug problem because of the sunglasses. It is so difficult to explaing to others who do not have this condition. Now that I am older I do not heal as fast and I miss alot of time at work. I am very lucky to even have a job. I do everything I am supposed to do, but the erosions do not stop. My youngest son is 7 and it kills me that I can not go outside to play with him when it is beautiful weather. I thank god every day that I don't wake up with the eye pain. I use to hate the rain, now it saves me because I can drive to work without having to wear two pairs of sunglasses. I have even had to pay a driver to take me to work. At this point, if anyone has any advice for me or knows of anything I can do to stop this nightmare, please email me at Having 5 children and being single is enough of a battle for me, I am losing everything because of my affliction. I don't know how long my family and I will have a home. Please pray for me. Good luck to everyone else! It is comforting to know that there are some people who understand.


06 February, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked to see no mention of FreshKote, a prescrition drop indicated for moderate to severe dry eye. It is pretty new to the scene and it's being raved about the off-label treating of RCE, as well as EBMD patients. It is a 15 ml bottle that retails for $33-$38 USD. Ask your opthamologist about this and do some research. My father went through hell and back until he was turned onto this. Hope this helps.

21 February, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not really a nice thing to say, but I am so glad I am not alone! I have been suffering from recurrent corneal erosion syndrome for 6 years now. The first episode was in 2003. I had managed to go over 12 months without an erosion, thanks to Laser surgery by a fantastic eye specialist called Mr Morrell from St James Hospital in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Compared to the pain you go through when you have the erosions, the surgery is nothing to worry about. My episodes happened to both eyes individually every 6 weeks, the other one would always break down a week or so later, as if the strain of the other eye had brought it on, mainly during the night, then they started going together. Then they started to go through the day, at work or when I was driving, they have said its because my eyes were drying out because you don't blink as much when your concentrating!!! I have the plugs in and will have them in for presumably the rest of my life. I suffer from dry eyes now, I didn't before, maybe its all the lubricants, maybe not, no ones likely to tell me! I have found out, however, that if you use lacrilube for too long, it stops your eyes from producing any lubricant of there own. I normally on a good day have to use Viscotears 4-6 times a day and the same amount of times during the night. My eyes are bad again, this time due to my own stupidity, I tried to wear coloured contact lenses for a party, I had them in for about an hour before I thought better of it and now I am sat typing this in the dark wearing sunglasses. I will have to go to work tomorrow in sunglasses. I work in a supermarket! I can't even hide! I started typing this, because after my fourth visit to the hospital in 15 days and arguing with yet another doctor I didn't know, I was given another bandage contact lens, but given some new drops which the nurse said she uses herself, I have been using them for 3 days now, they are fantastic. 1 drop lubricates all night! If you haven't already tried them they are called 'OPTIVE' they are Sodium carboxymethylcellulose0.5% glycerine0.9% PURITE 0.01%. The manufacturer is ALLERGAN. Good luck to everyone. I hope you find your cure! xxx

23 February, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed 3 years ago with this condition, its right what you all say, the pain is awful, being a guy I've never had a baby but I bet its like this.

09 March, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I've had RCE for a year and a half since getting a pine-needle in my eye at Christmas, although I only had it diagnosed about two months back. My symptoms are mild compared to some here, but confirm what many describe: waking in REM sleep with stabbing pain in the eye that completely prevents you from getting back to sleep.

My doc started out thinking it was: something in the eye; a viral infection; dry eyes; 'nothing'. In fact I went to 3 different ophthalmologists before being diagnosed. Now that she's set out what I can treat it with it does feel marginally better, and am only getting episodes every week or two (compared with 3 or 4 times a week before). I use Celluvisc regularly in the day and also a more viscuous 'Teargel' 3x a day and at night.

Factors I have working against me are: riding a motorbike, hot dry country, long hours in front of a pc (I'm a programmer).

I find the following have helped too: NOT watching tv til late at night; managing stress levels; eating more oily fish and taking Omega-3 supplements (contrary to one previous poster's advice: it seems RCE has been linked to low levels of Omega-3); not drinking much alcohol at night.

I tend to agree with the holistic/homeopathic approach as mentioned by some. I haven't been to a homeopath as I'm aware enough of it's principles to try and treat myself: if there is something i 'don't want to see' in my life, I'll find it soon enough and then maybe the problem will be gone!!

Thanks to all who've posted - much of this info I have found very reassuring and valuable.

Dónal (South Africa)

13 March, 2009  
Blogger Mrs H said...

Hi there

i had my eye injury without knowing in around 2003, some alkali material went into my eye and even though i thougth i had washed it enough, i hadn't.
mistake 1, i should have seen a specialist then, of course i didn't.
I then had around 2 years of random but periodic eye splitting nights and mornings where the corneal lining was disrupted as i slept undergoing REM or when i awoke and tore the lining. As i have read before i think we all understand the pain.
Unfortunately my gp didn't understand the pain and never managed to find the source of the pain.
So my body did it for itself.
Easter 2006 was a time i couldn't forget, driving my car with open windows i felt an object get into my eye (felt like a part of a tree or shrub) rubbing away for another 2 hours and i found the pain increasing.
That night the pain was getting unbearable and i hardly slept. The morning revealed the start of a corneal infection which took around 3 weeks to treat, i nearly lost the sight in my eye.
My lasting memory during the treatment was attempting to sleep on all fours somehow holding my poorly eye open with my fingers so that no rubbing took place.
I had a full recovery and have been doing really well until i arrived in ghana which is very dusty and fully airconditioned. i now have rce in both eyes and need treatment, i found what worked for me were basic lubrication drops with hypromellose, unfortunately they don't sell these in ghana! So i am trying out all the available eye drops with nothing too nasty in them.
Good luck to you all!

30 March, 2009  
Blogger xChris said...


I have this s***t since almost 20+ years ago...

05 April, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I've had this in 1 eye for about 15 years, and been through every treatment including laser, and it still hurts like hell. Mine is also compounded by dry eye syndrome. The treatment for that makes RCE symptoms worse. I've also had one very bad complication--a staph infection and corneal ulceration that almost cost me the vision in that eye permanently. If you think RCE hurts, try Vancomycin drops every hour on a corneal ulcer. I had to be hospitalized and kept under sedation to tolerate the treatment for 5 days.

My opinion? There is no cure for this condition after a certain threshold is crossed. Those of us with years of suffering can look forward to more of the same, sorry to say. For me, the best course is to use lube drops in the daytime and MURO 128 at night. Nothing else seems to work at all.

11 April, 2009  
Anonymous judy said...

I have been struggling with this for 3 years steady. Have had many doctors do painful proceedures which did not help or made it worse. I know more about this condition than many of the doctors I have seen put together. Homeopathy which had helped me with joint and stomach problems was only hit or miss with the erosions, but I think it has improved the condition from what is was, and made it less severe. i am looking for a doctor to try the antibiotic/steroid treatment. and I know of these drops especially for corneal erosions made by a compounding Lab here in Calif. called Dextran 10% which I have heard were great from someone using them. They don't have preservatives so they must be refrigerated and discarded every 30 days. If they work I will dance for joy. They must be ordered by prescription and the Pharmacy is called Leiter's you can do a search for them , they have an 800 number. So these drops along with the new combo medicine steroids/antibiotics may be a great help, I have been reading it is curing many cases even with the EBMD condition. So I hope this helps some people out there and will help me too. i will try to post and let you know. Good luck, only those of us who experience this can ever imagine what it is really like! if only I could find the eye doctor who gets these recurrent corneal erosions themselves, then we might get somewhere. The majority of them are just practicing and we are the guinea pigs!

11 May, 2009  
Anonymous judy said...

Just a follow up on my previous post, EBMD for those that are not familiar is the medical term for epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, which is what many of us have who get the recurrent corneal erosions. Dr. Paul Karpecki, O.D. has some good information on erosions, just do a search on him and the title -
Put an end to EBMD. Also his other article- The Effort to Cure Recurrent Erosions, Paul Karpecki.
He has some of the newest info on this and there is hope.
Reading some of these blogs made me just break down and cry, because I can feel your pain Literally. i only hope i can help someone else out there with this as I search for a cure or atleast good management for myself. I also have impaired vision with these erosions that can last for days including terrible glare " the corneal haze" and I am afraid it may not repair itself, it is lasting longer and longer. So, we must all get some relief for this so healing can take place and we won't have a visual problem as well and the complications from that. Get a doctor and work with him to try the new meds and I am going to do the same and definitely going to try the Dextran drops, which i understand are not bad for you, as the steroids and antibiotics over a long time would be. Good Luck and Blessings to All.

11 May, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had this condition for on and off for about a year. I went to the eye specialist, he knew what it was right away, he said it was a classic case of RCE. He prescribed some cream and it went away for almost a year. Then on night while on vacation to Europe it struck again, three times in one night. When I finally got back to Madison Wisconsin, I went to the eye specialist again. This time he suggested the soft eye contact lens, a one that you can leave in for a few weeks. I had trouble with it after 3 days but I think it was my fault because I wasn't using enough eye lubication. I tried the lens again and I have found that if I use lubication constantly during the day, before I go to sleep and first thing when I awake in the morning I have no problem also I change the lense every three to four days. It certainly beats waking up with severe pain two or three times a night. The specialist said that I should consider having the laser treatment but I am a little reluctant to go ahead with it because recovery time is about a week.

I hope that this helps someone!

11 May, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can relate this has been a nightmare for the past year. Last summer my toddler poked me in the eye and it has never been the same since. This is optho doc doesn't seem to want to do the stromal puncture so I'm left with my eye going out about every 3 months. Bout to lose my job now because of it. Frustrated as hell.

21 May, 2009  
Anonymous judy said...


After suffering for 3 yrs. I have found that Muro 128 5% OINTMENT, AT NIGHT WILL HELP
STOP THESE! Only use a tiny amount 1/4 " as instructed right before bed. It is sold over the
counter at many drug stores including Rite aid, and on line drugstores as well. I like systane
drops in the day use very SPARINGLY, ONLY when you are very dry. Less is more with these.
But, only the Muro 128 5% ointment has given some relief to me and others i have spoken with .
Dr. Paul Karpecki talks about this in his article"the effort to cure recurrent erosions", you can
search this on line. The best of luck and if this helps please let us know. it takes a few days to
stop the erosions so don't give up. 3-5 days and you should get some relief. Let us know!

25 May, 2009  
Blogger Dave said...

I seemed to develop RCE about two years ago. I'm age 33 and absolutely hate it. I am scheduled to have the cornea scraping procedure done this week. I'm not looking forward to it, but if it keeps it form happening - I'm ready to do it. I'm a musician and my eye sight is super important to my life and career...

My first episode occurred in my right eye which was overlapped with a case of Pink Eye and also overlapped with the equivalent of a cold sore forming on my eye as well. That had to have been the worst pain I'd ever felt - I can't see how the scraping will be any worse than that...once that healed in my right eye - it's moved to my left eye and I've been dealing with that for almost a year now. It was misdiagnosed a couple times - I urge anyone having eye trouble to see a corneal surgeon or specialist first before wasting your time with a general medical doctor. Because of the time I spent getting misdiagnosed, the infection made my right eye worse and it's now scarred forever.

I would trade just about any non-life threatening disease for this and wouldn't wish this onto anyone.

I've been putting off this procedure now for a year going back to the eye doctor about every three months for a bandage'll heal but my eye never still feels right. I now always have that fear in the morning of opening my eyes too fast...waking up in the morning with my eyes closed first. My experiences often occur after heavy drinking of alcohol so I've really had to watch my intake. I'm completely healthy to my knowledge - don't have any other ailments, or health problems and NEVER had an eye injury prior to this. I would seriously support and give funding to any organization doing research to try to cure this syndrome.

01 June, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To All corneal erosion sufferers:

Get an eye doctor Optometrist is fine, do the research on latest proceedures, use Muro 128 ointment at night, try FreshKote drops during day, if that doesn't work, they are now using antibiotics and steroid therapy for a couple of months with the Muro and FreshKote and it is successful in about 80% or more cases. I am starting this soon and have been managing it with Muro 128 ointment. These newer treatments will either cure the condition or atleast manage it so you can get your life back. This is the worst condition of my life and so many others, thank God for the new regimens. Get a doctor who listens and will work with the new research. do a on line search for Dr. Karpecki and "the effort to cure recurrent erosions", this will give your doctor the latest regimen that is working! Best of Luck to Us All.

05 June, 2009  
Anonymous Bernice Pinsent said...

Hi, I was so thankful to find this site!...I had RCE about 8 years ago but no one knew what it was. My eyes started flaring up in September '08, with horrendous pain, sometimes lasting as long as 3 hours.

I was to the point I would dread going to bed, knowing what was in store for me. I was eventually referred to an eye specialist. He told me basically it was "dry eyes" and I "would have to live with it". He prescribed Lacrilube to be used at night. He suggested scraping my eyes, but couldn't guarantee it, possibly more pain than before. I refused and he sent me to a Laser Specialist. That changed my life!!

I made the 5 hour road trip to see him, thinking maybe it would be nothing he could do. I was wrong! The Doctor examined my eyes and told me it was RCE. He was confident Laser Surgery (PTK) would work. A week later I had the surgery. Best thing I ever done. After the surgery, I asked the Doctor how bad were my eyes. He told me my eyes were "like butter" and that he "Pittyed me", lol. I had my surgery on March 24th, 2009 and have been pain-free ever since!

19 July, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so happy to find this site but couldn't read it much because of course I was having a bout of RCE - my worst ever following a good poke in the eye by my toddler. It has settled down now after 2 months and I am having PTK next week. I have also seen a naturopath and thought I'd pass this along too since a few other posts mentioned it

-definitely use Muro and Lacrilube at night

-I also cut down on alcohol and don't smoke since it constricts blood vessels

-the little white pills under the tongue that someone mentioned was likely Euphrasia. Its a homeopathic treatment

-the naturopath also has me on a strong multi vitamin plus high potency fish oil

-I also take a supplement called TheraTears which includes fish oil, flaxseed oil and Vitamin E

Other than that I just hope the PTK works. He is doing a very wide area which is key because if its too small an area, you will just get new problems in other areas

Keep pushing till you find a good doctor - there are lots of treatment options but the PTK is supposed to be best. I was lucky that my friend's dad is an opthamologist and happens to have a private laser clinic. If it weren't for him I'd still be stuck with one of the other useless opthamologists in the City (all of whom I have seen with no results)

Good luck everyone - I'll keep watching your posts and pass on anything new I learn in the hope that it might help others


01 August, 2009  
Anonymous judy said...


I have one recommendation for you all for real relief: Muro 128 Ointment at night right before you go to sleep. Might take a week or two to stop the erosions, but I promise you they Will Stop, so don't get discouraged. I suffered with these erosions fro years and went to so many doctors, most of whom know less than I did about these. Muro is sold over the counter in many drugstore chains. make sure you get the ointment, I did not like the drops they burned, the ointment is used very sparingly, takes some practice getting into eye, wipe the tube tip with a clean tissue after every use, because it always touches the eye to get this stuff in. you can warm the tube up under hot water or in you hand if
you like so the drop comes out easier. I don't, I just use it straight from the cold tube, get abut 1/4" into my lower lid , close my eye and go to sleep. IT WORKS. It is a miracle for me and I hope someone else gets some relief too. I also found optomotrists to be far more helpful with this condition than opthamologists(eye doctor M.D.s). Good Luck, cheers!

14 August, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi It's Steve. Last time I was on this site was a year ago. I have the inherited type,The specialists are not sure what type I have. Messmans Reis Bucklers or or finger print Dystrophy. I have it both eyes and have tried pretty much everything, even experimental drops.Im on my third Specialist now and I don't think he has a clue. The toughest thing is I haven't been able to work for a year, I'm forty eight years old and not ready to give up on life, but I have my days.This new Doctor told me 6 months ago that theres a thirty percent chance of success for me using PKT and because I said no because my other specialists told me before, that procedure would not work for me and that 30 percent was not good enough last visit was three weeks ago and he increases my odds of success to 60%, I must be missing something here. I feel no difference in my eyes, what could of caused such an increase in my odds? Greed or maybe he personnally got better at doing the laser. Who knows. I really could use some advice on this one.It could worsen my condition. Steve Could someone please give me your opinion. After four years of this I just can't deal with the though of this being any worse then it already is. thank you.

03 September, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been suffering from this condition for over 2 years as well. Mine started after I had corrective eye surgery. I believe I should never have had the surgery as I have dry eyes. After 2 years of going back to the doctor every couple of weeks -- the same doctor is recommending PTK. Coincidentally, I started eating oatmeal every morning and my tear film is much improved and the problem has gone away.

09 October, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the states and work for an optometrist. I recently had a corneal abrasion and now suffer from RCE. It is very painful and just had my second episode today. My Doctor put a contact lens on it and we are going to use an antibiodic. I was already using Muro 128 drops and ointment at night. My advise is to use as much moisture drops as possbile. It sounds like some of you aren't able to get the medical care needed. I would be glad to offer any advise if I can.

06 November, 2009  
Blogger Tez said...

WOW, thank you for your posts, I was diagnosed in Aug this year (2009) I was driving home from work one day when a rock flew up from a truck on the other side of the road, through my open window, under my sunnies and glasses and hit me in the eye, on my return home I rinsed my eye and thought nothing more of it.
About a month later I awoke and was unable to open my eyes as my right eye was stuck shut, stabbing knife pain, orbital pain in the octal cavity, photophobic and very nauseous. My partner rushed me to the emerg dept, after many visits to the specialist and hospital and 2 weeks off work - I was cured.

Until I moved to Victoria and trying to settle in I happened again, with a trip to the medical centre and a call from them to ED and 4 doctors at ED they were about to admit me when "Super Doc" the opthamoligist registra waltzed in and took me down to the cubical, more local (yes I can see again) and fluerosine he said you have RES, gave me drops and Panadine forte after many of these he put on a bandage contact which was a great leap forward, my errosions were still there but less pain...Wow (I am glad my new job does not depend on my presence to continue) with a week off every time they change the contact or I have an errosion, missing out on sleep and my allergy to codine (makes me vomit and nauseous - now I have maxalon) I have been up to the Victorian Eye and Ear hospital for an appointment. They have just rung to advise that I have an appointment on Wednesday in the NEW Trials - some will be having Lazer (surgical removal of the epithelium or the newer treatment using Alcohol - I do not know which one as yet, however there is a 5-7 day regrowth/healing period. What is another week out of my life if I can move past this? There will be a 12 week course of antibiotics to promote epitherial stability. I also have Diabeties this is one of the major problems associated with the long healing period of RCES. Will let you know how It goes.

14 December, 2009  
Blogger Scott and Suzi said...

Am sitting here w/ tears streaming from my right eye...driven from my bed this morning by the pain. You've simply done a perfect job of describing my issue. How well I relate to the iPod scenario: staring off into the blankness of my mind trying not to move my eye while the irritation drove me completely nuts! Well done.

12 January, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had this for 4 months. During that period I felt like my life was ruined. I was in extreme pain so often and missed lots of work which I have never done before. I saw one of the best surgeons at Moorfields eye hospital in London and he confidently performed PTK on my eye. I have now been back to my normal life for 3 months - I have never been so grateful to him and to God.

Anyone enduring this should find the money/ insurance for PTK as there is no reason to suffer with this condition.

06 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

evening all,well i have suffered from rce for two years now and the pain is un beleivable i have seen a huge number of doctors and tons of creams and drops used and nothing works,i had refractive laser last june and the bandage lense was good for 6weeks the had a massive rce which left me blinded for 4 days out of both eyes,this has affected all my family life as cant plan nothing incase the eye is bad,am using laci lube at night and 4 different drops during the day if i get a good night sleep i am lucky and even worse tryin to open the eye in morning just in case,i have been looking on ebay and there is a few ointments i was thinking of tryung like refresh lacrilube for night time and muro 128 ointment but wasnt sure can anyone say if these are good,am due at london morfields hospital again on 16th march and hopefully they will laser it again but am scared i will have a big episode like last time but need some posativatie from this help!!!!!!!!! thanks caroline from england

11 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forgot to say i also cut slices of cuecumber yes i no this sounds funny but when i wake up at night and the eye is burning i place a slice on my eye and it cools it down and takes the swelling out,the vision still goes for fews days and driving is a nightmare esp at night,but cuecumber works as an aid hope this helps thanks caroline.

11 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caroline, I understand completely. When I had this it ruined work and home life. Laser ptk fixed it completely. My surgeon was Julian Stevens at Moorfields. He is the very best. He recommended Clinitas eye drops for me. I can only say that this surgery gave me my wonderful life back and I hope you find relief from it as it is such a simple cure for something that blights your life. I have no idea why the other doctors didn't suggest it to mr sooner.

12 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your reply the laser almost worked i dnt have huge episodes just mild ones now as there is still a weakness there i am hopein they will laser ir again my doctor there is mr tuff at moorfields do you still have to be on creams and drops now yours is cleared?there is hope am so pleased,thanks caroline

13 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to add my experience for the hive mind...

I got poked in the eye last year and six months later had a series of reoccurances one lasting an hour, the next two a good 48 hours. I can only add my voice to those saying there is no pain like it - childbirth with no drugs was absolutely preferable. I am actually mildly traumatised by the episodes with the eye - it can happen without warning and is totally disabling. Just terrifyinig.

Thanks to Midland Eye Centre in Birmingham, which are brilliant, they went fairly quickly to debrisement of the flappy bit that won't heal and am currently wearing a bandage contact lens that I have been told can be replaced up to six months.

The contact lens is a bit scratchy as I have naturally dry eyes and a tendency towards blepharitis (inflamed eyelids), (possibly a contributing factor to the reoccurance). Interestingly a doctor at the Midland Eye Centre noticed I had rosacea and says that the two go hand in hand.

To make the eye comfortable whilst wearing the bandage lens I use a mixture of Celluvisc 0.5% and 1.0%, have been known to tape the eye down overnight.

Just knowing the cornea is protected from any episodes makes me extremely happy and I can tolerate the scratchy lens with that in mind!

Interested to read other's experiences and hope to ask to just have the bandage lens in overnight.

15 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I to injured my eye and 6mths later my first errosion, it took 4 doctors before the opt reg at emerg waltzed in and rescued me with a bandage lens. I had excrusiating pain every 2 weeks came another errosion, another week off work and more pain, this happend for 5 mths. The bandage contact reduced the errosions and pain to an acceptable level then I was offered PTK - it was quick and fairly pain free (considering what I had already experienced) I was back at work after another week and have not looked back, if you can have PTK I recommend it, it definatly worked for me, It was done at the Eximer Laser Clinic in Melbourne and is my saving Grace.
Terri Geelong.

15 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i need some advice i have been suffering with rce for 2yrs now although it seems to be calming down it still happens the problem is i am due to fly on thursday and am really worried in case it goes because of pressure in the air what can i do to prvent this the flight is only one and half hrs but am really scared of it happening

23 February, 2010  
Anonymous Lorraine said...

Hi has anyone here been misdiagnosed by a socalled eye uk and was mis diagnosed a having herpes simplex, he told me 2 take mydralate/ week, i went back he then gave me chloramphenicol and ZOVIRAX, omg it burned eyes out of me, i was dicharged that day.same night i was in agony, on the floor, so weak ,the infection was going through my body eye was like Rock Balboas'swollen and i could not open it or theother one. hospital was phoned,paramedic came although, he was absolutely not happy with this at all. He was seemmily out in car having harsh words with the hospital. I was givenjag on buttcheek,that was nothing compared to what i had gone through. he sounded really annoyed and astonished that they hadnt given me any painkillers or internal antibiotic. The man gave me Tramadol 50mg and told me totake paracetamol & was given amoxicilla 250mg. an emergency appointment was made for the following sunday morning and i was run up to the hospital.specialist seemd anoyedto be there.was in extreme pain even with painkillers,butmind wasnot clear.put in drops,looked at eyes. he told meit was recurring erosion syndrome,butasked him to write it down he replied he had no paper?? ifelt like saying,write it on my arm (polite version). icould not remember whatsaid it was. the skin had flapped.said he flattend it. hard to trust any of them.was bandaged upone eye wasnt long beore pain returned,slightest moement was unreal.said that it is likely thatis genetic, that it would not go away.i suffered since no short periods here.lasted 1-2 weeksa time longest reliefwas 2 wks. i wentbackto my doc told him that specialist sayed it was something else the doctor looked on pc and said.yes its herpes simplex.said i dont understand if infection there i have been on antibios this long is still here. he said,it is a virus.i knew within myself. i told him that the zovirax wastotally unbearable to use. my eyes were burning and my eye would react and swell with the zovirax. they had me on visco tears, and a few other ones. i would suffer the pain during the day rather than being doped up but it was still aginy even if i took them. i burned myself, knocked into things, had visual problems, cut myself. i was misjudging everything. and that was without the painkillers.
6 months i suffered for. noletter was given to my doictor as to the proper diagnosis.TBC

25 February, 2010  
Anonymous Lorraine said... took me to go into an opticians in my local area as my usual one was miles away. it was fairly unpleasant looking but that was my eyes looking good.
the lady looked up book, looking at certain ailamentof the eye lol
although she said it did not look like the pattern of herpes simplex virus. she kindlky got me refered up to anopther hospital. upon arriving they asked me how i got there. they asked me usual questions like what happened but wanted me to tell them in the shortes words possible. they didnt want to hear what was the truth. i was thinking if he lets me talk i will be able to explain. i deserved that much surely. 2 nurses has looked at my eyes prior tothe specialist seeing me. like i was a ginea pig. whe asked what medication i was given and how much she looked shocked and said that it was important to tasll them how many times and for how long i was taking the zovirax. she said to me that that would cause more damage especially over that length of time. that was fine, another trainee :-) saw me and she was rather quieter. the specialist came in after asking me and not wanting to hear. i told him i wanted a diagnosis. and about the other speacialist not telling my doctor. he thoroughly checked my eyes and turned around to the other 2, and asked them what the though it was. after a long pause one came forward and said that it was dry eyes. he said recurring erosion syndrome. and the nurse wrote it down for me.
he requested i see another specialist at another hospital for possible treatment with no cure.
i mentioned after that that the other specialist at the emergency dept, had said that it was genetic and he looked again quickly and said oh yes quite possible. that was that. month later i went to other hospital and they put in eye plugs. ive had 5 weeks reief of severe pain but the occassional rip
as my eyes were shut my eyes began to open in a whole new way.
I was misdiagnosed and i feel that they have covered a lot up. the zovirax is the likely cause of the ongoing problems and not genetic at all. TBContinuedmisdiagnosis is malpractice, and its all clicking into place now. i am not tletting this go, they can pass me and cover for each other but there is nothing new with the nhs.

25 February, 2010  
Anonymous Lorraine said...

continued...If they say it is genetic then it cant be anything they gave me, like Zoirax now can it????????

Can a doctor look in your eyes with whatever microscope, slit light or blue light and tell whether it is genetic??
My mind was bursting a gut to see what they were seeing as i was researching as much as possible.
infact i said to the specialist who did diagnose as recurrent erosion syndrome that i had been looking up the internet about eye problems and dry eyes etc . he replied. well i wouldnt beliee anything that they tell you on the net.
Ok so you guys are all a figment of the imagination. Imagination is more real than their illusion and sense of power that they know everything. try telling them what you know is happening.

( earlier)) - i even went to the doctor as soon as i felt the skin coming away, before any infection had set in. i said look!! there is no infection YET- the skin is OFF. sohow can it be herpes simplex virus.

I will write more on what was hapening during my episodes soto speak. as i have some interesting stuff i wish to get out there.

Can anyone tell me if they can tell by looking in the eyes that it is genetic or do just think i am stupid!!

Eyes may be closed, may be blind but inside it has OPENED MY EYES and confirmed that they dont know what they are doing. they cant even be honest and admit they have made a mistake.

by the way, this is the 2nd mis- diagnosis i have had within this time. can you believe that.

Strangely enought though, some of you here have mentioned an antibiotic that i has never heard of before, i thought maybe it was only in the US. they mis diagnosed me with something else and i was given the drug by accident. only for them to get another doctor to tell me instead of facing me up front.
its the one that is thought to stick the 2 layers together something to do with the matrix of the cells.
I felt that i was meant to get this, although given it for another purpose i was thinking that it was synchronistic that i was given it. 5 weeks agony free with some signs of skin coming off in thenight.

Hmm but it makes mewonder, alarm bells ringing. Did they give me them accidently in purpose???

Nothing would surprise me.

I am a healer, and i am determined to stop this happeningto anyone else.

i would say donnot settle for anything less than your intuition and feels are telling you. Trust yourself!!

Loving Light goes to ALL here, know its been a while since there was any posts in here, but fiding this site has possible helped millions!! Thankyou and i will write back soon.

can a specialist see in eye examination if it is genetic??

( if they tell you it is in the genes, tell them you are getting a new pair then :-))

Has anyone here been misdiagnosed or any form of malpractice.

next time i will tell them i am a millionaire and they will fall over to treat with their butchery.


25 February, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't read every comment but there are many good solutions here. My solution is wetting a baby washcloth and holding it in place with a cheap pair of sunglasses while I sleep. I am sleeping much better and though I might wake up with dry eyes, I haven't had a corneal tear since I started this a few months ago. The bandage contact sounds like a good idea too.

10 March, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found this - I've been searching for information on RCE for a while and got so fed up with all the similar medical descriptions. So I searched for "I have RCE" and found this! Though I feel bad to read so many of you suffering from the same problem I have, especially for those who have or had even worse experiences, I also feel some sort of relief that I'm definitely not the only one!

I had a Corneal Abrasion 2 years ago while trying on a jacket that had a very thick and hard tag attached on its SLEEVE. A simple movement of my hand -- raising to pull back my hair--caused the stupid corner or the tag hitting my left eye. I was treated with antibiotic drops the next day when visited the ER, and an ophthalmologist 2 days later. The Ophthalmologist confirmed that my injury was healing well, but he also warned me that in some cases it could come back.
Sure enough, in the next several months, it did. But since I knew there's no infection and if the antibiotic drop is the only thing they could give me then why bother? Plus the pain didn't come continuously. I didn't go to see the doctor again.
2 years later, it came back with much stronger pain and instead of in the morning, it came during the night, instead when I opened my eyes, it happened when I was asleep, anytime, no precaution, sometimes several rounds per night.
I finally went to an eye hospital that happen to be right across the way from my office.
The intern in training could not tell what I had when the attending doctor asked her. I said I knew it's RCE, because I googled...(later my friends joked that it could be a good google commercial...) So they recommended artificial tear ointment and MURO128 which is over the counter in the US.
I did that for 1 week. Went back feeling a lot better. But the doctor decided to give me FLUOROMETHOLONE (contains steroids) to speed up my healing, because my pain still came back during the past week, though to me it was A LOT better than before.
Another 2 weeks on that plus Muro 128 and nighttime artificial tear, my check up showed the Erosion was barely visible now.
My doctor said I should stay on the muro and artificial tear for another 4 weeks or so. Another doctor who dropped in earlier mentioned that some of his patients had to do it for 6 months. My doctor warned me that next year this time (dry spring days...) it might come back again. But I felt so much better and braver to face this.

Now it's been more than 4 weeks and I had been on Muro and Artificial Tear this whole time. My pain came back 1 night when I accidentally forgot the medicine. I was alerted because it meant it still didn't heal well. Last 2 nights the pain came back bad, even though I had my both eyes smeared with the ointments. Last night it came back 3 times!!! After each time, I put more lubricant in but it didn't help. I ended up getting up way earlier to take some Advil, which didn't help either.

Now I'm contemplating whether to start the steroids drops on my own (I have left over in the bottle from last prescription), or to bother the nice doctor again. He said when he gave me the steroids that the next step would be contact lenses, if the steroids didn't work well. My colleague just scratched his cornea when trying to learn on to put in contact lenses. I'm afraid that the contact treatment might not work with someone as clumsy as me...

Anyway, I just want to say thank you all for sharing your experiences. I wanted to share mine, in case it might help anyone, either in terms of medical treatments, or mere emotional comfort...

I hope my eye heals fast and well this time. and the same to all of you!!

06 May, 2010  
Anonymous Becca said...

I have had RCE for 2years but it has been really bad the past year leading to stromal puncture(125) this past Jan. My dr hoped it would get me 2-3yrs w/o pain(my condition is genetic so it would likely come back)but it has already started back up just 5 mo later! The pain is impossible to describe to my husband, my kids are only 9 & 12 so I am still very involved w/them plus I work 3-4 days a week also. It is allergy season which seems to make things worse; the unpredictability of the symptoms is killing me!

24 May, 2010  
Anonymous Becca said...

If you are in the US, esp on the East Coast, seek out Dr Raber in PA, outside Phila. He has a private office but is also on the faculty at Wills Eye Hopsital in Phila. He is cutting edge and lives in reality both...and his rates are better than some of the losers I saw in DE before I went to him!

24 May, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great support out there. I have been heavily dedicated to finding the answer to RCE. Do you, as sufferers, have other health problems such as a bloated gut, food allergies, celiac, insonmia, IBS, hormonal imbalances, etc. I have been working on finding a link for over 3 years now- completely dedicated! You see, RCE happens for a reason. The problem is that most MDs are simply not educated on the "whole body" approach to health. It takes a professional that is focused on both western medicine and alternative medicine. The reason why our eyes cannot heal is because our immune system is compromised in some way. We can try to cover up the problem but in most cases it will come back or reside somewhere else in the body.
Along with RCE, I developed IBS, food allergies/sensitivities, eventually anxiety from seeing so many Drs (even infectious disease drs.) and hormonal imbalances.
I have tried chelation therapy (heavy metal detox)many supplements to strengthen the immune system and have gotten off all gluten, soy and dairy.
Recently, a very well nutritionalist heard of my case and said it is all stemming from the "gut". An overgrowth of yeast or bad bacteria. The condition is called Candida. I am now off all sugars, including fruit to stop feeding the yeast, and to allow my body to heal.
Please write in and let me know of your overall health and let's see if there is a pattern here. I know I can get these wonderful doctors and surgeons to fund an in-depth study of the relationship between RCE and Candida or other immune system deficiences. Thanks much!

05 August, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if anyone is still responding here, but I too am a chronic sufferer for more than a year. Seems like there is a lot of us and no clear explanation of what causes it. I'm curious if it could be a side effect of something we are all taking. I have taken Zoloft for over 15 years for depression. It says that dry eye/eye pain can be a symptom of zoloft and other anti-depressents.

I also take Melatonin to help with sleep almost every night.

Just curious to see if there is any pattern to what may be causing this. If you have Recurrent Corneal Erosion and you take either melatonin or Anti-depressents, please let me know.

Maybe there is a common thread?


08 September, 2010  
Anonymous melanie c said...

I too have suffered with this condition for about 2 years now. RCE is very scarey to go through and deal with because you can get different answers from different doctors. They did not seem to know what it was and it was confusing and a mysterious condition until I started to do the research on it. Blogs such as this one really help to clarify what exactly is happening to a person's eyes. The pain is very scarey and the fact that it seems to constantly reoccur and is something one may have to live with for the rest of your life is far from comforting. Keeping my right eye lubricated does help and the Muro 128 drops are also helpful. I am left with a corneal scar from the whole debilitating episode, but nevertheless I take comfort in the fact that I can still see fairly well, and not in need of a corneal transplant or anything like that. After reading this blog, I am going to seek out the homeopathic remedy. I wish someone would just post the name of these drops of little white pills and I would just go and buy some. Homepathic doctors are very expensive. I always wonder how a person can get to be 53 years of age and not ever have something like this and then starts happening almost out of the blue. Anyways, the more I research this condition, the more I discover that it is fairly common. Another area of thought is the fact that it is soo unheard of until it starts happening to you. And then when it does happen, no one cam comprehend quite what you are going through because they have never experienced it! It has been great reading about other people's experiences, I wonder if anyone has written a book about this! Blessings to all the kind people out there who take the time to share their experiences with RCE. Melanie C.

12 October, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have suffered with RCE for over 20 years. After months of suffering torturous pain, over 20 years ago, I was prescribed contact lens as bandages....INSTANT RELIEF...worked for about 9 years, then the erosions returned in spite of the contact lenses. Then I had PTK laser surgery to resurface the corneas...LIFE CHANGING...BEST THING I EVER ten years later, the erosion is returning in my right eye. Under the care of a great corneal specialist, looks like another round of PTK will be required. DON'T SUFFER WITH THIS CONDITION...HAVE PTK and DEMAND THAT your insurance pay for it due to MEDICAL REASONS. It is the ONLY REAL CURE THAT USUALLY LAST FOR YEARS. Best of luck to all that suffer with this terribly painful condition.

13 October, 2010  
Anonymous liz said...

my son, who's only 2 and a half, has just been diagnosed with RCE. he received a sharp object to the eye when he was one from his then 2 year old sister. I cant believe it has led to this. he has had many episodes of screaming in pain that no doctor or opthamologist could explain until today. I am devastated that my baby is going through so much pain that he cant understand.

01 November, 2010  
Anonymous Aidan Harper said...

I see that the last entry was in 3009...

I have been suffering with RCE for a year now since a stupid eye injury, where I got dust in my left eye from falling debris from a ceiling. I was first diagnosed as just having an infection and given ointment, but the recurrences where getting more frequent and only in the mornings when I opened my eyes.

I found that a hot shower offered some relief.

I eventually went to a specialist who diagnosed RCE and proceeded to do a scrape. The pain was excruciating to say the least (felt like someone had thrown sand in my eye and was rubbing it in with their thumb) - After a few days and steroid drops it seemed to be fine for a few weeks'

Then a flare up again one morning

I stay in Cape Town South Africa and we have an excellent eye clinic with a specific corneal clinic once a week at the Groote Schuur hospital (the same one where Dr Christian Barnard did the first ever heart transplant).

They checked the injury with the dye, then gave me Tear-Gel and Spearsatear (made by a firm called Novartis). This was fine for a while, but it flared up again a few times between appointments.

I was then given a corneal bandage (hydrogel contact lens) from a bubble pack (will explain this later) which can be worn for a period of 4-5 weeks without any side effects. This was great for a while and I had it removed 5 weeks later. RCE flared up again and I was told that the needle procedure is a last resort as the success rate is low. I was given another corneal bandage which was again fine for 4 weeks till my next appointment.

At that appointment I was told that there was no corneal clinic that day and the doctor I saw (after waiting for 10 hours!) really wasn't sure of what he was doing and removed my old corneal bandage with tweezers inserted a new corneal bandage (a different one this time). this was a Friday.

24 hrs later My whole eye felt swollen and the pain was really bad. My vision was milky and blurred. I went back to the hospital on the Monday and another quack just replaced the lens with the same type and told me I had a chronic eye infection and that I must clean the lids with Johnson's Baby shampoo foam using a cotton bud. Didn't work and aggravated the eyes. hectic pain and difficult to see as my eyes were extremely sensitive to light.
That was yesterday...

I went back again today and there was a doctor who after reading my file and taking out the offending lens told me that the previous doctors who put in the different lenses (these were in a bottle) did not check the lens BASE CURVE... This is extremely important because if the curve of the lens does not fit the shape of your eye then bacteria can creep in underneath the lens. If it doesn't feel comfortable when first put in then ask to get it changed for another type or make.

The upshot as I type this with my left eye in a compress bandage (was the only way I could get any relief) I have been booked in for surgery in two weeks time where they will be cauterising the corneal layer. Apparently this has a high success rate. I'm just dreading the surgery...

Will keep everyone updated


Aidan Harper, Cape Town South Africa.

03 November, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that the last entry was in 3009...

I have been suffering with RCE for a year now since a stupid eye injury, where I got dust in my left eye from falling debris from a ceiling. I was first diagnosed as just having an infection and given ointment, but the recurrences where getting more frequent and only in the mornings when I opened my eyes.

I found that a hot shower offered some relief.

I eventually went to a specialist who diagnosed RCE and proceeded to do a scrape. The pain was excruciating to say the least (felt like someone had thrown sand in my eye and was rubbing it in with their thumb) - After a few days and steroid drops it seemed to be fine for a few weeks'

Then a flare up again one morning

I stay in Cape Town South Africa and we have an excellent eye clinic with a specific corneal clinic once a week at the Groote Schuur hospital (the same one where Dr Christian Barnard did the first ever heart transplant).

They checked the injury with the dye, then gave me Tear-Gel and Spearsatear (made by a firm called Novartis). This was fine for a while, but it flared up again a few times between appointments.

I was then given a corneal bandage (hydrogel contact lens) from a bubble pack (will explain this later) which can be worn for a period of 4-5 weeks without any side effects. This was great for a while and I had it removed 5 weeks later. RCE flared up again and I was told that the needle procedure is a last resort as the success rate is low. I was given another corneal bandage which was again fine for 4 weeks till my next appointment.

At that appointment I was told that there was no corneal clinic that day and the doctor I saw (after waiting for 10 hours!) really wasn't sure of what he was doing and removed my old corneal bandage with tweezers inserted a new corneal bandage (a different one this time). this was a Friday.

24 hrs later My whole eye felt swollen and the pain was really bad. My vision was milky and blurred. I went back to the hospital on the Monday and another quack just replaced the lens with the same type and told me I had a chronic eye infection and that I must clean the lids with Johnson's Baby shampoo foam using a cotton bud. Didn't work and aggravated the eyes. hectic pain and difficult to see as my eyes were extremely sensitive to light.
That was yesterday...

I went back again today and there was a doctor who after reading my file and taking out the offending lens told me that the previous doctors who put in the different lenses (these were in a bottle) did not check the lens BASE CURVE... This is extremely important because if the curve of the lens does not fit the shape of your eye then bacteria can creep in underneath the lens. If it doesn't feel comfortable when first put in then ask to get it changed for another type or make.

The upshot as I type this with my left eye in a compress bandage (was the only way I could get any relief) I have been booked in for surgery in two weeks time where they will be cauterising the corneal layer. Apparently this has a high success rate. I'm just dreading the surgery...

Will keep everyone updated


Aidan Harper, Cape Town South Africa.

03 November, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that the last entry was in 2009...

I have been suffering with RCE for a year now since a stupid eye injury, where I got dust in my left eye from falling debris from a ceiling. I was first diagnosed as just having an infection and given ointment, but the recurrences where getting more frequent and only in the mornings when I opened my eyes.

I found that a hot shower offered some relief.

I eventually went to a specialist who diagnosed RCE and proceeded to do a scrape. The pain was excruciating to say the least (felt like someone had thrown sand in my eye and was rubbing it in with their thumb) - After a few days and steroid drops it seemed to be fine for a few weeks'

Then a flare up again one morning

I stay in Cape Town South Africa and we have an excellent eye clinic with a specific corneal clinic once a week at the Groote Schuur hospital (the same one where Dr Christian Barnard did the first ever heart transplant).

They checked the injury with the dye, then gave me Tear-Gel and Spearsatear (made by a firm called Novartis). This was fine for a while, but it flared up again a few times between appointments.

I was then given a corneal bandage (hydrogel contact lens) from a bubble pack (will explain this later) which can be worn for a period of 4-5 weeks without any side effects. This was great for a while and I had it removed 5 weeks later. RCE flared up again and I was told that the needle procedure is a last resort as the success rate is low. I was given another corneal bandage which was again fine for 4 weeks till my next appointment. cont....

03 November, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cont... At that appointment I was told that there was no corneal clinic that day and the doctor I saw (after waiting for 10 hours!) really wasn't sure of what he was doing and removed my old corneal bandage with tweezers inserted a new corneal bandage (a different one this time). this was a Friday.

24 hrs later My whole eye felt swollen and the pain was really bad. My vision was milky and blurred. I went back to the hospital on the Monday and another quack just replaced the lens with the same type and told me I had a chronic eye infection and that I must clean the lids with Johnson's Baby shampoo foam using a cotton bud. Didn't work and aggravated the eyes. hectic pain and difficult to see as my eyes were extremely sensitive to light.
That was yesterday...

I went back again today and there was a doctor who after reading my file and taking out the offending lens told me that the previous doctors who put in the different lenses (these were in a bottle) did not check the lens BASE CURVE... This is extremely important because if the curve of the lens does not fit the shape of your eye then bacteria can creep in underneath the lens. If it doesn't feel comfortable when first put in then ask to get it changed for another type or make.

The upshot as I type this with my left eye in a compress bandage (was the only way I could get any relief) I have been booked in for surgery in two weeks time where they will be cauterising the corneal layer. Apparently this has a high success rate. I'm just dreading the surgery...

Will keep everyone updated


Aidan Harper, Cape Town South Africa.

03 November, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in your club unwillingly.
I had Cataract surgery at 49 and thus my saga started. I am now 54.
I was told that after wearing the hard plastic contacts for 25 years, (a wonderful optometrist moved me into the new gas perms that were invented. We tried the soft contacts, but could not see well) were the reason my eyelid was not shutting properly causing
dry eyes. At that time I had no problems, but then
After I had the Cataract surgery and got the lenses to see near and far and PRK to improve sight is when I started the "tearing (ripping)of the tissue".
I did not know what was happening, but got no sympathy from my follow-up dr in the ophtalmolgist office except to use eye drops consisitently.
For a couple of years I had sporatic problems, then they got worse. I went to new specialist and they confirmed my eyelid was
"deformed" and the polishing of my lenses would be worse than this.
After having both eyes get these several times (sometimes at the sane time) and hundreds of $$ for prescription gels, cremes, pills, and the wonderful bandadage (contact lense) I finally went back to my original DR who actually saw the cuts in my eyes and said lets do the (Diamond Polish. He finally seemed to understand after I had 3 erosions in 2 weeks in one eye and one in the other in the same time period.
Diamond Polish hurts like sin and you better be prepared and have a driver to take you home and someone to feed you.
The pain you described is right on and the government needs to find a way to bottle the pain up and throw it at the enemy instead of bullets--there is no such awful pain than this.
I had the Diamond Polish on my eyes just 6 weeks ago and so far I have been pain free from the hurts of waking up. I do wake up and slowly open my eyes and
put drops in immediately. I do drops all day.
I pray this will be the answer.

Good Luck to all who suffer from this.

December 2010

30 December, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son has a severe problem with RCE. I have just discovered this site and am so relieved I can share my anxiety with others. Why are there no posts since 2008 ? Has this blog been discontinued ?

31 December, 2010  
Anonymous Joyce in Arizona said...

I posted on this site a couple of years ago. I still struggle with RCE - HOWEVER - I FOUND THE ANSWER (for me!) My opthmalogist prescribed to me Lacrisert 5 mg. (Hydroxylpropyl cellulose opthalmic inserts) - it is small (almost like a piece of rice) that you insert in the outside corner of your lower lids - it dissolves throughout the night and you can take out the next morning - or you can leave in during the day but they drive me crazy! I have even gotten to where I can use them again the next night but throw them away after the second time used. They are quite expensive $250 for a one month supply - but I have not had an episode since I started using them almost a year now! These have been the solution for me- I hope they will work for some of you!

26 January, 2011  
Blogger Jojo said...

I suffered immensely with RCE. I did everything the doctors recommended including nightly Muro 128, drops all day long, stromal puncture, bandage lenses, etc...I still got debilitating abrasion on a regular basis.

I was scared to do PTK and I didn't like the vague, unpromising info the doctors were giving me so I met with a natural health practitioner.

He met with me and I explained the condition. He proceeded to ‘muscle test’ me (see below for a link explaining this). He then gave me a list of foods I needed to remove from my diet (including dairy, sugar, moldy veges like mushrooms, vinegar, wheat, and most nuts). He said that the problem was caused by a build-up of yeast and bacteria in my sinuses behind my eyes that was causing degradation to my body, and thus, abrasions. Removing these foods would stop the continuation of the infectious build-up.

He had me take natural daily supplements (Kold Kare, Monolauren, and Colloidal Silver drops in my eyes), which are necessary to knock out the build-up already in there. In addition, he muscle tested me on the ointments and drops I had been using and found that both Muro 128 drops and ointment were not good for me. Instead, he had me start using “can-c” eye drops to lubricate my eyes.

He was asking a lot of me, but I was DESPERATE to stop the feeling of razor blades in my eyes and willing to try anything before risking PTK.I followed his instructions from that day onward, only cheating on the diet occasionally and discontinued the use of Muro 128. The first month, I had some soreness in the sides of my eyeballs (not where the abrasions are). Mark told me that yeast doesn’t die quietly and that this was likely a symptom of them clearing out.

Since then, I’ve had roughly 1 minor abrasion per month (about a 1 on the pain scale) so nothing that prevents me from enjoying my life. I was skeptical at first, but after nearly 5 months of 99% relief, I truly feel like I have woken up from a nightmare. The food sacrifices are minimal compared to what I’ve gained back (my life)…and they are not permanent. In time, I will be able to integrate some foods back in moderation. If you want more information about the methods I used to heal my eyes, below are some links to check out.

I wish healing to all.

To Contact Mark Mincolla for an appointment or referral:

For more information about Muscle Testing:

26 January, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had RCE for 2 years now and this week I fly up to have one eye lasered to see how I do with it before trying the other one as well. I will be back to tell you all how it worked.

31 January, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had RCE for 1 1/2 yrs since an accidental poke in the eye with a tweezer. I have used Muro drops and ointment, all kinds of lubricating drops for dry eyes, Doxycycline, and 3 surgeries. The first surgery done was the Anrerior stromal puncture, the second was Diamond burr superficial keratectomy (barbaric), and finally PTK (laser). All 3 failed for me. I have been wearing bandage contact lens for over a year now and it has helped some. I finally learned to change it myself. I use Avuvue Oasys type-I order them online, but need a prescription from my Dr. I still get erosions maybe monthly. I am lucky that I have neve had an infection. This is the chance I am taking wearing the lens and continuing to have erosions. It is the most painful thing I have ever had. I have to take Percocet for the pain. Since the PTK laser surgery, I started having erosions in another site other than the original injury. This is a result of the surgery and a not so good result. The area is near the pupil and so after an erosion, I cn not see for anywhere from a week or two out of that eye. Horrible mess.
Beth (US)

16 February, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just posted and now thought of something that has been helpful for me. I have trained myself to NOT open my eyes when I wake up throughout the night. I keep Optive drops for dry eyes preservative-free on my nighttable and put some in the corner of my eye and wait until my eye easily opens. This has helped me. I also had to stop all alcohol, no advil or tylenol in the evening and no Pepto-Bismal in the evening-they all dry my eye out and cause me to have erosions.

16 February, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOD BLESS DANIEL BAIRD for posting this site,,,, I will address some of the cures with the doctor at first visit. sad to say this,.,.,. but it IS wonderful to know you are not the only thought though....this condition usually comes with a DISEASE such as lupas or Sjoegrens syndrome or rhumetiod arthritus... you may have something more serious going on...and this is a secondary disease.. hope not

19 February, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting to read all the comments left here.

I assume I have the inherited form of the condition, as my mother and some cousins have it. I have had this condition for at least twenty-five years. I feel very fortunate to have managed my eyes with Muro 128 all these years - I have maybe had a half dozen or so episodes of pain. I am faithful to the Muro 128 every night without fail.

Recently however, the skin around my eyes has become red, sore and inflamed. I was in contact with Bausch and Lomb, who assured me they have made no changes to their formula or sources. (That being said, who knows if their source had changed sources) Eventually, I had to discontinue Muro 128, as my eyes were so sore and I looked as though I had being crying non-stop for a week. I turned to Lacrilube but it just didn't work for me. I had an episode in one eye one day, and then another episode in the other eye the next day. I found it nearly impossible to train myself to keep my eyes closed long enough to lubricate them properly to release the lids. Noises, dreams, alarms, - my eyes instantly fly open. Now I am back to Muro 128 (hooray) and using vaseline all around my eyes as a barrier cream. And a prescription hydrocortisone cream to occasionally combat any redness. My doctor and pharmasist suspect my skin around my eye has developed an allergy to lanolin, an common ingredient in many cosmetic products and also in Muro 128.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any other suggestions for a barrier cream? I am thinking of going to a naturopath to see if I can work with him/her for a natural "stickier" cream that will stay more in place. I tried using Peniten, but was advised to discontinue as the zinc oxide might irritate my eyes.

23 March, 2011  
Anonymous Bobdoug said...

Wow. No posts for a couple of years. Did you all lose your eyesight and can't use a computer any more? Hah! I've had the problem 2 years and had the needle to the eye treatment. The 3 assistants were outside the room I was in as the doctor prepared to jab me. I overheard one say: "he's going to stick it in his eye?" the others shushed her. One later asked me if it hurt. The hurting would come later. This doc is one of the best and has been around a while. It makes me think what I have isn't all that common around here(Ogden, Utah). I use Genteal night-time ointment and more recently Systane night-time ointment. I still get very short duration(1 minute) episodes maybe once a week. It surprises me that it only lasts that long. I'm expecting to pace the floor helplessly opening and closing the eye with no change in pain for about 30 minutes. I'm trying the eye rubbing deal in the morning. It's been an odd habit to try to remember to do something upon waking up. I don't really know I'm waking up while waking up! Do most of you feel one ointment has been more effective than another? This is a cool club, but I hate the initiation!

02 April, 2011  
Anonymous bobdoug said...

Uh... Just noticed lots of posts this year. I must be having an episode. Lebe Wohl!

02 April, 2011  
Anonymous Bobdoug said...

Sorry! Keep thinking of more things! I've been taking shots for allergies for 3 years and take 2 Benadryl at night. Could that be fueling the fire mayhaps?

02 April, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has only been happening to me for the past month and is in both eyes. As you all know, it's totally debilitating. Every morning I would be in agony and unable to open my eyes. For the last 2 nights I have taped my eyes shut at night and the difference is unbelievable. If you haven't tried this then please do. I am still sensitive to bright lights, and my eyes are far from normal, but I haven't had the agonising burning pain. I have just been using normal sellotape, but today will look for some medical tape as I'm sure that's a better opton.

04 April, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have this problem but work as an optometrist so do come across people who suffer. My local hospital is lucky enough to have an ophthalmologist who is a corneal specialist and he is having success treating the condition with alcohol (and says this is working better than using laser treatment which was his first choice previously). Hope this helps!

07 April, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, should you reach this comment...I believe the more natural way you approach this issue the better. I have had to STOP ALCOHOL, CAFFINE AND CHOCOLATE... all these are diuretics...(it doesn't seem to work when I drink water to rehydrate..the diuretics still effect the eyelid) I have to agree with Linda R. Use the "bandage" contacts if at all possible.

21 April, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

september 12, 2010, May 2011
So happy to find this blog. I had my first serious erosion nearly 30 years ago. Then, my eyes were stable, though living in Greece, I used to marvel that anyone could live there without wearing sunglasses as the brightness was so uncomfortable to me. After a series of erosions, I was diagnosed officially 8 years ago by an eye clinic in Sheridan, Wyoming which is odd simply because I live two miles from the Wilmer Johns Hopkins Eye institute in Maryland. My Baltimore eye doctor had never diagnosed me though I had been to him in near screaming-pain on more than one occasion. PTK is not covered by Maryland Blue Cross though it used to be. I had the procedure once and am about to take Blue Cross to task as someone has to. I need this procedure badly as apparently it is the ONLY one that provides some kind of improvement to the situation. Even though I have reduced the occurrence of erosions by about 80%, there has been a price in terms of quality of life:

I avoid the outdoors as much as possible. I avoid breezes coming into windows, fans, fires. I rely on Muro 128 ointment as the single best defense I have. I also tape my eyes shut every night with Johnson's cloth first aid tape. Water hurts my eyes so they are closed in the shower and I gave up swimming. It has now been a year without a serious erosion. And PTK is still not covered by Maryland Blue Cross.

04 May, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 3,2011 just posted my story-I'm the one who lived in Greece and has had erosions for 30 yrs plus. Forgot to say re pain level of major erosions: I have had a 10 lb 4 oz baby and the pain level of a major erosion is a 9 where the childbirth was my personal 10. I have stayed on Percocet for up to three days, laying trembling with pain in a dark room. Knowledge that the Baltimore Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye clinic has a 24-hr emergency room makes me a little less fearful--I know if worst came to absolute worst, I could go there and they would put me to sleep for a while.
Again , taping my eyes shut is the single most important thing I do and Muro 128 a few times a day-more in allergy season--is the second. I tried at least 8 eye remedies, prescription and other and several backfired, making my eye dry and worse. I, failure at sewing, also made little cotton pouches attached to an elastic strap that goes around my head. These pouches are filled with uncooked hard black beans. They provide weight and pressure on my eyelids when the pain is bad.

04 May, 2011  
Blogger Unknown said...


I'm another sufferer of the same condition. In fact, I'm sitting here with one hand up because the light from my computer monitor is bothering my eye.

I scratched my right eye last October, so it seems I'm new to the process (compared to some).

I have done the series of drops twice, and moved onto the cream every night for six weeks. (I actually did about 12 weeks until the tube ran out.)

Last time I was at the Optomitrist for this, he had a Corneal Surgeon look at it. They discussed laser surgery, but the surgeon's concerned with the location of the injury near my visual axis, but said he'll do it if I keep having problems. (If I let him!)

It's good to have this kind of place to post and know that we're not alone. A year ago, I never imagined such a condition - or the number of sufferers.

15 May, 2011  
Blogger Jemma said...

I am grateful that I found this blog, but it is so old. Is there anyone out there with new treatment information as I have it in both eyes and have had it for ten years. I have tried most everything mentioned in the blog and nothing has been a permanent solution. Is there any new treatment anyone knows of? Using a humidifier helps and so does staying fully hydrated, along with the drops and ointment and staying away from ceiling fans and a lot of air from the air conditioner. I am really hoping there is something new going on in treatment. Is anyone out there?

29 May, 2011  
Anonymous Ellie said...

Hi Jemma,

I have it in both eyes too and as I haven't had an injury this is apparently just due to dry eyes, which is rare but does happen. I have only had it for a few months, but initially I taped my eyes closed at night for about a month, and then my opthamologist gave me a thick ointment for night, and a dry eye drop to use 4 times a day even if my eyes don't feel dry. He says that I will need to do this for 1 year.

Since I began taping and now using the ointment/drops I haven't had a problem.

Hope some of this helps.

02 June, 2011  
Blogger Jayne said...

Just had the corneal scraping done yesterday - not feeling real great! I've had RCES for 10 years or so, and have only just been diagnosed. It has gotten a lot worse in the last year approximately, and has had a big impact on my sleep - as in waking up in a lot of pain every night ....

I'm hoping this scraping will do the trick - my eye dr is a bit vague overall.

I have it in both eyes, but right one is worse.

Wish me luck! :P

PS I really shouldn't be on the computer - eyes streaming!

15 June, 2011  
Blogger Alexandra said...

As I am posting this comment, I am also wearing my sunglasses at night. I have had Recurrent Corneal Erosion for more than 3 years, it comes and goes, it just came again and I spent the better part of the last two days (my birthday being one of them) in horrible pain and avoiding the light, which is hard when you live in Florida. Thank you for sharing your story, how are the drops treating you? Any recent episodes? Get better! ~Alexa in Florida~

16 June, 2011  
Anonymous Ellie said...

Hi Alexandra,

Hope things are better today. I am using Systane drops four times a day and an ointment at night and things are much better, I haven't had an attack for weeks (having originally had one every single morning for a month). Hope you find something that works for you.

17 June, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, its comforting to know I am not alone. I have had RCE for about 7 years - the episodes have decreased in frequency but increased in severity. I just spent an entire weekend laying down with my eyes closed and a warm washcloth over my eyes. Waking up and opening the eye during an episode feels like an icepick being jabbed into your eyeball. Like fellow posters, I agree that no one understands the pain unless you have had it. Typical treatments for me are lacrilube at night, hourly lubricant eyedrops such as GenTeal and antibiotic Vigamox.

21 June, 2011  
Blogger Jase said...

I feel very fortunate that I didn't go through what a lot of other posters here have gone through. I was hit in the eye with a tennis ball back in July of this year. Corneal abrasion healed within a week per the doctor's expectations.

3 weeks later, I woke up with sharp pain, used some leftover antibiotic drops that I had and went back to sleep. Had no more problems for another two weeks, then it was happening dang near every day. So of course I ran to the eye doctor after it had gotten to be too much to take and was diagnosed with RCE. I am on the contact lens treatment right now and my erosions have decreased in intensity and frequency. The doctor told me during my visit this past week that the light at the end of the tunnel is coming. I am so glad that my erosions started occurring fairly quickly after I injured my eye, so it didn't take long to make a diagnosis and get me going on the right track. I applaud those of you who have lived with this for months and years, I would have hanged myself before then.

11 September, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All i have to say is next time you are having eye related problems, see an optometrist first, not several attempts with a GP...

Dr. Brian O.D.

13 September, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to have stumbled across this site.

I sustained an acute corneal abrasion whilst on holiday in Bali July this yr, from a price tag on a pair of sunglasses. The injury took away a 4mm by 4mm surface area but I can seriously say that up until this point in my life I had never experienced pain quite like it. I can only describe it as like having large splinters of sharp glass cutting and digging away at the eye from even the tiniest of movement. So painful that I could not open my eye at the hospital and every slight movement from the injured eye or the other healthy eye induced searing pain in the injured eye and brought on involuntary outbursts of screams. After approx 4 days of no sleep, rest and drops, the eye seemed to have recovered. Although sensitive to light, I felt normal and totally relieved.

Exactly one month later I awoke abruptly in bed on a Wednesday morning bolting upright in agonising pain. And after visiting the eye and ear hospital was told I had RES. I was sent home and told to put ointment on the eye at night and eye drops throughout the day and before I open eyes in the morning. The next day I was literally squealing in far greater pain than was experienced in the original injury. So bad in fact that if a doctor had suggested removal of the eye I would have signed on the dotted line without hesitation. Back at the hospital they cut away the flap of damaged lifted cornea and the healing process had to start again. During the remainder of the day and the following day I suffered mini panic attacks induced by the pain. But thank fully on the Saturday relief came and the healing was well under way.

I was given a referral letter on my last visit and a list of specialists who perform the laser surgery just in case there were any further repeats of the RES. I have been religious with the eye drops, the ointment at night and drops before I open my eyes, being so paranoid and terrified of going through this again. My eye has remained in tact, but extremely tender. I cannot rub, touch or wipe my eye without feeling as thought I am tearing the cornea away.

It’s now just over a month again since the last big episode and I awoke yesterday morning feeling that familiar pain and a peeling sensation to the damaged part of the cornea........ I rested all day with my eye closed and continually lubricated and watered my eye. I think I may have saved myself from another serious episode or maybe just delayed it. I am terrified of going to sleep and think I will consult the specialist for options as I don't think the eye is healing.

I am in sympathy with all of you who have suffered and continue to suffer.

19 September, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it’s been quite a while since anyone posted a comment, but I thought I’d keep them coming, just to let people know RCES still happening.

I had my first episode about 16 months ago, after poking my right eye on a spiny leaf while hiking. It was pretty sore at the time and took about 4 days to eventually settle down. Then after about 6 weeks, I had the first episode of RCE in the morning, felt like I’d poked it all over again. Took several hours to return to normal. I didn’t link the two events due to the gap between them. A few weeks later it happen again. Soon, it was happening every other night. I eventually went to an optometrist, who saw something unusual and sent me straight away to hospital to see an ophthalmologist. He diagnosed me with RCE, and told me to use a topical lubricant, every night for 6 months. I thought that was an eternity at the time, but I was grateful to learn what was going on was a known ailment. I found this blog at that time and read that I was relatively lucky, compared to other sufferers. I tried the ointment recommended (Poly Gel) but after 3 months, I was still continuing to have morning episodes. I went to another ophthalmologist who recommended LacriLube. This stuff is laid under the bottom lid, which is pulled out to make a trough. Even with it, I was still getting episodes, so I went back to the ophthalmologist, who said, after examining my lesion, said it was healed and I should just continuing with the lubrication. Eventually the symptoms improved. It took months and months.

I did that for nearly a year. I’ve stopped using it for a few weeks now with no RCE. What I am getting is a dry-eye effect, something I didn’t have before, but that’s a lot better than the alternative. I still open my eye very carefully in the morning, something I’m sure all sufferers learn to do. Once my tears start working everything is fine. I’m hopeful I’m over it for good. This is definitely something no one ever should have to go through.
Cheers from Mal in Adelaide, Australia

21 September, 2011  
Blogger Rjc said...

Years later and this site is sadly still relevant. I've had RCE for over 5 years now and today I learned that my sister has it too. Muro 128 helps some but I think I'll just return to erasing contacts.

25 September, 2011  
Blogger Gabi MF said...

I have tried all kinds of lubrications with little success. For the past 6 months I have used Muro128 and am feeling great. 1 drop in each eye before closing my eyes at night.

26 October, 2011  

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