iTunes filled up my hard drive ..and not with music
Sorry about the two software posts in a row..
I'm doing a bit of housekeeping on my hard drive in preparation for a long-overdue backup, and I noticed that the iTunes folder on my C:\ drive was holding many gigabytes of data.
I've set iTunes to store music on my D:\ drive, but I assumed that at some point in the past iTunes had lost track of that setting and started putting stuff back in the default folder.
It was surprising to discover that the multi-gigabyte folder was holding about 3,400 files called "Temp File 1", "Temp File 2" .. "Temp File 3483". Well, my theory is if a file has "temp" in its name, it's fair game -- so my computer is currently deleting 3.72Gb of temp files.
While it was happening I found this page:
..which says it's okay to delete them.
It's gonna be nice to have that space back. Check your iTunes folder for temp files!
I'm doing a bit of housekeeping on my hard drive in preparation for a long-overdue backup, and I noticed that the iTunes folder on my C:\ drive was holding many gigabytes of data.
I've set iTunes to store music on my D:\ drive, but I assumed that at some point in the past iTunes had lost track of that setting and started putting stuff back in the default folder.
It was surprising to discover that the multi-gigabyte folder was holding about 3,400 files called "Temp File 1", "Temp File 2" .. "Temp File 3483". Well, my theory is if a file has "temp" in its name, it's fair game -- so my computer is currently deleting 3.72Gb of temp files.
While it was happening I found this page:
..which says it's okay to delete them.
It's gonna be nice to have that space back. Check your iTunes folder for temp files!